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home | about us | what we do | what's happening | get involved!Support Our MissionDSCS Newsletter Sign-UpNovember 11, 2016Dear friends,Over the past few days,staff and community members have been talking about the results of thepresidential election and what it means for us.We are hurt and angrythat the hateful words and actions of the president-elect had resonance with somany across our country.Many of our communitymembers and clients are fearful and uncertain about what the coming weeks,months, and years will look like and what the consequences may be forthemselves, their families, their friends and allies.At the same time, we areundeterred in our commitment to supporting and protecting the rights of themost vulnerable among us, and helping to magnify the voices of those whocontribute so much to our communities but have been vilified just for being whothey are.We will continue tostand up for our communities of immigrants, of LGBTQI people, of people ofcolor, of poor and working class people, of people with disabilities, of women, of people of all faiths, of people without homes. And we will continue to work tirelessly with all of our communities to ensure that everyone can stand up for their own rights with our support. We have done this work for more than 30 years and we are ready to do it for many, many more. We know that many of our supporters, neighbors, and friends, feel at a loss in this moment about what to do next, where to go from here. We encourage you to share these concerns with those around you, to build community, and work to spread that commitment to solidarity. Our first step is to plan a forum to educate the community about their constitutional rights, have a discussion as to what we should expect from the new president, have an open conversation about fears and concerns, and determine the best way forward at this time. We are also working with partner organizations to develop strategies and mount a unified response. Once we have more details, we will share them with all of you. We will also keep you posted about any future actions in which we may need your help—to defend our Sanctuary City, to survive in the face of potential funding cuts, to stand up for our friends and neighbors who may need our support. You can join our email list to stay informed of what actions we are taking or how you can get involved or even make a donation to support our work through the links to the left. In the meantime, thank you for standing by us and standing with us. With love and solidarity, Dolores Street Community Services Our Vision We envision a vibrant and diverse San Francisco where multiple cultures, life experiences and contributions are honored, and all people live with dignity and hope. Our vision is of a just and sustainable community where all residents – regardless of income, immigration or health status – have equal rights and access to resources, and are empowered to fully participate in shaping the City’s
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2025-03-05 16:07, Process in 0.0053 second.