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Home | Photo GalleryDiscover how you can fly in your own aircraftfor under $2000International Aviation Expert shows you Secret Plansfor building your own Powered Paraglider in7 days or lessFrom: Tom TateDate:Dear Friend,I know exactly how it feels to want to fly so bad that you can taste it. I spent most of my teenage years either dreaming of flying or my perfect girl. Now I have a wonderful wife and my own aircraft. I cannot help you with the girl but I want to help you with the aircraft. :-)Have you ever dreamed of flying? I mean really flying - like a bird - not in some huge steel contraption, but flying by just strapping something to your back and lifting off, feeling the wind against your skin, zooming over the treetops and seeing the world in all of its splendor before you. If you have ever dreamed of flying like this, then I want to make your dream come true just like I did for myself. Oh I know how challenging it is to get flying! I mean give me a break does the average person have $7000 to drop for an aircraft. And why should you drop $7000 when you can build your own for under $2000 with good used components. Me at the Medford International AirshowHow do you know I can really Help get YOU off the ground?Reason One:I have been in the Ultralight aviation business for 17 years.Reason Two:I wrote the very first book on the Sport of Powered Paragliding and over 20,000 people have learned about Powered Paragliding from my book.Reason Three:Not only have I thoroughly tested the design, but I have thoroughly tested the plans as well.I took my plans to another builder and had him use them to build me an aircraft, which I have used for airshow flying.It seems that everywhere I've looked, all I've found is company after company trying to pass off the same old, high priced aircraft and training packages, as a "revolutionary" new plane. And the shocking part is, they're all selling the same darn thing:They promise you an aircraft for $5000-$6000 but do not tell you that you still need a canopy for $3000 and their personal training package for $2000. Your total is usually over $10,000. ... But give me a break! Are they going to make your dream of flying come true? Of course not! This stuff is just too complicated and expensive.What you REALLY need is the ability to... Easily Build Your AircraftYou can build it in a week. Guaranteed!Work from a simple and inexpensive design.You can build it for under $2000.Quickly Learn to fly safely.You can learn to fly yours in a weekend. Easily take your aircraft where you want to fly.The entire aircraft disassembles to fit in your car trunk or on an airline.Build a High Quality Aircraft.Something that will give you years of joyous flight.Get a great sense of accomplishment!You get an amazing sense of accomplishment having built your own aircraft! I have found that people are very impressed when they find out that you have built and flown your own aircraft!!To join the elite rank of pilot.Very few people ever
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