HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2019年06月23日 22:32:54 服务器:Apache/2.2.34 修改日期:2018年12月03日 12:04:47 网页标记:"190256-ce94-57c163fea55c0" 接受单位:字节 缓存控制:max-age=259200, private,必须更新 过期时间:2019年06月26日 22:32:54 动作:Accept-Encoding,User-Agent Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:16015 Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html; charset=utf-8 网站编码:utf-8
endoteschew obfuscation (and espouse elucidation)RSSBlogArchivesProjectsNotesAboutEnvbox: Secure Key StorageSep 1st, 2018I wrote a few months ago about envbox, andI can say that it has proved useful to me many times over.One thing that felt unfinished was the way that envbox stores the key that ituses to encrypt all of the environment variables. It did move the problem fromthe shell/history to one of system security, which was acceptable. But thereare better ways of storing credentials on most systems.Each of the major operating systems out there has a native store for secretsand other credentials. They unlock the store when you log in and make thosesecrets available to other programs. The primary difficulty is writing code tosupport all those native stores.Thankfully, the Docker project createddocker-credential-helpers,which does just that. It has a set of helper programs that you can call fromany application to store and retrieve credentials.There is a bit of ceremony around detecting the right helper for the currentsystem, so I wrote a little library calledcrocker to help with that.And today, I integrated that into envbox. What that means is that envboxdoesn’t have to store it’s key in a plaintext file anymore. That will remainthe default way of operating, but all you need to do to use the native store isto download the appropriate helper from thedocker-credential-helpers releasesand put it in your path and envbox will use it 1.Enjoy.This has not been thoroughly tested on Windows.↩Developing Clojure in Vim (2018 Edition)Jul 14th, 2018When I wrote about developing Clojure in Vim for the first time, I was still early in my journey. For years, I’d only been able to tinker with Clojure in my free time and I was never able to really use it for anything large. Well, now I’m 5 or so months into using it full time and I’m really enjoying the development experience. So I thought I’d update my previous post with what my Vim configuration looks like now.First of all, I should point out that while I’ve switched over to using Neovim, all of my set up works with both it and Vim 8.x. Neovim has some cool advantages (like inccommand), but they’re orthogonal to my Clojure dev workflow.PluginsHere are the plugins I use that are Clojure related:vim-clojure-static - This is still the way to go for base syntax highlighting and indentation.vim-fireplace - Still the way to go for repl integration and code reloading.rainbow - I previously used rainbow_parentheses.vim, but found that this one is simpler and more stable.vim-sexp - This plugin lets me manipulate code as a tree, and it’s wonderfulvim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people - Tim Pope’s riff on the above, minus the meta keycljfold - I’m a compulsive code-folder, so after a few weeks I went to find a good folding plugin for Clojure and this is what I settled on. It’s old, but it still works, which is a testament to the stability of the language.ConfigurationMost of the above plugins “just work” w
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