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現代社會的需求,新時代的教育 New Social Demands,New Era of Education 在全球化已是現代社會銳不可當的趨勢下,異文化語言教育訓練的團隊總結國外多年的教學經驗,研發與提供完善的英語教學系統,在邁入全球新時代為現代社會的國際公民建立穩定的基礎。 The World is moving towards greater globalization at an ever increasing speed. What are the educational demands of learners who will be heading out into the world as full-fledged members of society? We at Cross-Culture Education Service aim to develop and provide education programs which fulfill the needs of today as we enter a new era of modern society. ©2008 All Rights Reserved • Design by Blue Sky
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2025-03-03 16:59, Process in 0.0046 second.