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Find what you want fast:The Fish Passage Center provides technical assistance and information to fish and wildlife agencies and tribes, in particular, and the public in general, on matters related to juvenile and adult salmon and steelhead passage through the mainstem hydrosystem in the Columbia River Basin.The Fish Passage Center (FPC) coordinates the Smolt Monitoring Program (SMP), and data from this program is intended to provide the information basis for federal, state and tribal recommendations for anadromous fish passage in the Federal Columbia River Hydro-electric System (FCRPS). The FPC web site provides data on salmon, steelhead, bull trout, and lamprey throughout the FCRPS. In addition to SMP data, The FPC web site provides data and analysis for the Gas Bubble Trauma (GBT) program, the Comparative Survival Study (CSS), adult migration, environmental conditions, hydrosystem operations, hatchery releases, and spawning and emergence for certain groups of anadromous fish.DRAFT CSS 2016 Annual Report DRAFT CSS 2016 Annual Report. Comments are due by October 15, 2016.CSS SARs by Study Category This query returns Lower Granite (juvenile)-to-Lower Granite (adult) SARs (without jacks for Chinook) for transported smolts, in-river smolts not detected at transportation sites (C0), and in-river smolts detected at one or more transportation site (C1), as presented in Appendix A of the CSS Annual Reports.. - updated 10-19-2016CSS Overall SARs Query This query returns annual overall SARs for all groups of Snake, Middle Columbia, and Upper Columbia Chinook, steelhead, and sockeye that are presented in the 'Annual Overall SARs' appendix of CSS Annual Report. - updated 10-03-2016Walla Walla and Portland Districts Hourly Adult Ladder Water Temperature Query Walla Walla and Portland Districts Hourly Adult Ladder Water Temperature Query graphs hourly water temperature from June 1st through September 30th for the current year for adult ladders found on dams in the Walla Walla and Portland Districts. The dams include: McNary Dam, Ice Harbor Dam, Little Goose Dam, Lower Monumental Dam, Lower Granite Dam, The Dalles Dam and Bonneville Dam. - updated 9-14-2016Daily Average Forebay Water Temperature Graph Daily Average Forebay Water Temperature Query graphs the daily average forebay water temperature for current year, last year, 10 year average and 8 other prior years for the selected dam. - posted 5-16-2016CSS 2016 Annual Meeting Presentations CSS 2016 Annual Meeting Presentations - posted 4-21-2016 Fishway Inspection Report 2015 Fishway Inspection Report 2015 - posted 5-31-2016DRAFT FPC 2015 Annual Report DRAFT FPC 2015 Annual Report - posted May 31, 2015 (Comments due by July 15, 2016)2015 Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Spawning Summary 2015 Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Spawning SummaryFPC SMP juvenile survival estimates (trap release sites to LMN) FPC SMP annual reach juvenile survival estimates for Snake River Basin PIT-tagged Chinook and steel
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