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503-289-7000 | info@fuez.com | Fuez Home FUEZ COLLECTION | FUEZ STORY Proud members of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) US Green Building Council (USGBC) Fuez is an environmentally friendly product that combines cement, fly ash, and curb-side recycled glass. You can choose any of the 28 beautiful standard products that Fuez offers, or you can create your own. We are flexible in our slabs and aggregates, shapes, colors, and sizes, giving our customers complete creative control in designing their unique Fuez surfaces. Fuez uses up to 80% recycled materials; this includes the glass from recycled bottles, which may have come from your very own recycle bin! >> More >> View Fuez Gallery 503-289-7000 | info@fuez.com | 5736 North Greeley Avenue | Portland, Oregon | 97217 website design + brand identity: fullblastcretive.com
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2025-01-18 23:57, Process in 0.0181 second.