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    抓取时间:2019年07月05日 05:55:09
    标题:GamesP | Physical Robots for Intellectually Handicapped Peop
    HOMEPROJECTTHE ROBOTTEACHING UNITSRESOURCESBLOGCONTACTEnglishEspañolGalegoRomânăPolskiItalianoError: Access Token is not valid or has expired. Feed will not update. This error message is only visible to WordPress adminsThere's an issue with the Instagram Access Token that you are using. Please obtain a new Access Token on the plugin's Settings page.If you continue to have an issue with your Access Token then please see this FAQ for more information.WATCH IN ACTIONGET STARTED NOW;ON LINE PLATFORM TO INTERACT WITH PHYSICAL ROBOTS FOR INTELLECTUALLY HANDICAPPED PEOPLEWho for?People with Intellectual Disabilities at all agesParents and other relatives of the people with intellectual disabilities, because of the game will be developed in such a way that combine a low intellectual difficulty with an adult design and psychology.Schools, universities, instituition dealing with them.What?An online platform and a robot. The platform will interact with physical robots or in a virtual community, to implement with them specific teaching units for adults with disabilities. This goal leads offering this group the ability to access a normal activity, such as playing with robots. With this in mind it aims to help to promote the inclusion of disabled people.Why?To promote the inclusion of disabled people. Involve parents in teaching/learning activities to enhance the bond parent – child and strengthen their relationship is also a purpose seeked by the project. The fact that there is a virtual community also allows playing in pairs. For this reason, physically separated adults could also play in a jointly way.THE PROJECTThe principal objective of the project is to develop an online platform to interact with physical robots or in a virtual community, to implement with them specific teaching units for adults with disabilities. This goal leads offering this group the ability to access a normal activity, such as playing with robots. With this in mind it aims to help to promote the inclusion of disabled people. For this purpose, the consortium counts with experts on this target group.KNOW MORETHE ROBOTThe main objective of the project is to contribute to the social and family inclusion of young people and adults with intellectual disabilities by means of a series of ICT and robotic tools, specifically adapted to their needs.The robot is the element that interacts with the user. Its features, which ensure total freedom for it to be copied and reproduced, are the following:–  It is developed with open-source hardware–  The chassis, the casing, the wheels, etc. can be produced entirely by using a 3D printer.Together with the robot there will be an APP for smarphones that will be avaliable at Google Play but while you can download it here.Technical and pedagogical guide will be avaliable in Resources section.KNOW MORETEACHING UNITSThe platform also will include 10 Teaching Units. The TU are based on existing games and new ones which can be created from adaptation for 

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