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登录注册使用 Twitter 服务意味着你同意我们在欧洲之外的 Cookie 使用政策和数据传输。我们和全球合作伙伴将 cookies 用于分析,个性化服务和广告。goob@goobisgoofyNew York, NYMost Improved, 1992 summer baseball camp :: Made @heyitsfree & dozens more stupid sites you read while not working :: RT = serious legal endorsement?…9,039推文987正在关注1,670关注者查看更多图片推文goob@goobisgoofy15小时There is no high quite like getting the last standby seat.查看详情·goob@goobisgoofy6月12日回复@Rickt0wnOh thank God *flops back down on bed*查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月12日回复@SteveKingIAOopsie…查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月12日*two hours before leaving for an international vacation* Hmm, maybe I should pack something.查看详情·goob 转推了Louis Peitzman@LouisPeitzman5月30日Please just take a break from making new TV shows for, like, a year. Give us all time to catch up. I'm so fucking tired and I can't remember the last time I saw my family.查看详情·goob 转推了Heather Cox Richardson (TDPR)@HC_Richardson6月10日There seems to be some surprise that Republicans in 1860 enslaved people. Of course they did. The GOP was not initially an anti-slavery party. It was an anti-SLAVE OWNER party. Anti-slavery came after 1863. Let's take a look at the origins of the Republican Party, shall we? /1查看详情·goob@goobisgoofy6月11日I love this shit…查看详情·goob@goobisgoofy6月10日回复@SteveHofstetter@MLBNetwork及另外2其他Don't worry, us Mariners fan lost feeling anything around 2009.查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月10日…查看详情·goob@goobisgoofy6月10日回复@mmfa@SimonMaloyTruly awful news, I'm so sorry. Simon will be dearly missed.查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月10日回复@jackie_malYes, 7th grade, South Carolina early 90s.查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月8日回复@aimeetereseClearly not查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月8日回复@aimeetereseTry reading her actual policies, then you'll understand them better!查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月8日回复@JerrypleasureTook my sister's dog for a walk for the first time. Wouldn't stop meowing.查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月8日回复@karengeierAnd how hard are you opening your fridge?!查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月8日回复@karengeierThe half-shelf butter lip on the top is key. Mine extends all the way across, so no Brita can fit. As a tall goon, I hate bending over to reach the water on the top shelf every other hour.查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月8日回复@karengeierEnjoy your tiny fridge with nothing but door condiments!查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月8日回复@karengeierI long for a fridge big enough for a door Brita. That's how you know you've made it.查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月8日回复@MattWalshBlogThis is essentially how every argument with you ends: with you retweeting some nonsensical garbage, then calling it a victory and moving on.查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月8日回复@AbbyJohnson@MattWalshBlogProjecting much?查看对话·goob@goobisgoofy6月8日回复@chadfelixg@MattWalshBlog及另
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