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UC San Diego Department of History About Us Directions Commitment to Diversity Giving to UCSD Contact Us People Faculty Staff Lecturers PostDoc Fellows Visiting Scholars Graduate Students Alumni Adjunct & Affiliated Faculty Emeriti Undergraduate Program Current Students Prospective Students Graduate Program Current Students Prospective Students Courses Current Courses Course Catalog Syllabi News and Events Calendar Blog Newsletter Current Events Announcements Employment Opportunities Burke Lectureship on Religion and Society Subscribe to E-News Affiliated Programs Chinese Studies Japanese Studies ScienceStudies CAESAR Programs Judaic Studies Program Korean Studies Initiative ScienceStudies Links Friends and Visitors Site Search Search This Site All UCSD Sites Faculty/Staff Search Term Search! HOME The History of Science Society Presents the Watson Davis and Helen Miles Davis Prize for Best Book for a General Audience to Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway Cleveland, OH—November 7, 2011—The History of Science Society (HSS) has awarded the Watson Davis and Helen Miles Davis Prize for best general audience book in the history of science to Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway for Merchants of Doubt, published in 2010 by Bloomsbury Press. Merchants of Doubt provides a penetrating analysis of how individuals used seemingly scientific methods to undermine scientific authority in popular culture and the halls of Congress. Through their powerfully argued and deftly structured study of the public debates engulfing five of the leading environmental and public-health questions of the past half-century –-DDT, tobacco smoke, acid rain, the ozone hole, and global warming–-Oreskes and Conway reveal a historical pattern in which a small group of science advisors undermine scientific findings and raise doubt about the work of scientific experts. Chair of the Davis Prize Committee, Ed Larson, remarks “Merchants of Doubt underlines that the history of science, as a discipline of rigorous scholarship, can offer critical insights and wise counsel to citizens and policymakers on crucial contemporary issues. By doing so, it exemplifies how historical research can illumine public policy. Oreskes and Conway write in a clear, engaging style that makes their book accessible for a wide readership.” Naomi Oreskes is Professor of History and Science Studies at the University of California, San Diego, Adjunct Professor of Geosciences at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and an internationally renowned historian of science and author. Having started her career as a geologist, she received her B.S. (1st class Honours) from the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London, and then worked for three years as an exploration geologist in the Australian outback. She returned to the United States to receive an inter-disciplinary Ph.D. in geological research and history of science from Stanford University, in 1
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