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Some features on require JavaScript. Please enable your browser's JavaScript and refresh the page to make full use of this website.HOMECATALOGNEWSSHOPFORUMSDIGITAL COMICSHOMECATALOGNEWSSHOPFORUMSDIGITAL COMICSSearchIDWeeklyIDW's weekly newsletter full of giveaways and creator notes! Don't miss out!New This Week: Silver Age Dailies Vol. 2: 1961-1963Latest News Thursday, Apr 17th, 2014IDW Entertainment, George Lopez, & David M. Stern Developing "Wormwood" As An Animated SeriesSan Diego, CA (April 17, 2014)- Recently launched IDW Entertainment, alongwith George Lopez and his TraviesoProduction Company, announced today they aredeveloping Wormwood as an animated televisionseries based on the acclaimed IDW comics, created byartist Ben Templesmith.Read MoreThursday, Apr 17th, 2014Star Trek Medical Officers Special Coming This JulyAll 6 Star Trek DoctorsTogether For The First TimeSan Diego, CA (April 17, 2014) - IDW Publishing, CBS ConsumerProducts, and XPRIZE join forces to present Star TrekSpecial: Flesh and Stone, available this July. Thestory, inspired by the real-world $10 million Qualcomm TricorderXPRIZE, will bring together all six StarTrek doctors for the first time.The Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE is a global competition in which30 teams are competing to develop a consumer-friendly, mobiledevice capable of diagnosing and interpreting a set of healthconditions and vital health metrics, inspired by the StarTrekTricorder.Read MoreWednesday, Apr 16th, 2014IDW Honored With Nine Eisner Award NominationsDiverse 2013 Line Rewarded San Diego, CA (April 16, 2014) - The 2014 Eisner Awardnominations recognized IDW Publishing with nine nominations, withbooks being represented in multiple categories. The prestigiousaward ceremony, held annually at San Diego Comic-Con International,honors exemplary work from the past year in comics."We're thrilled by the Eisner recognition, which once again recognizes the breadth and diversity of IDW's publishing line," said Chris Ryall, IDW's Chief Creative Officer/Editor-in-Chief. "We appreciate the nominations and want to congratulate all nominees across every category, too. There's an amazing amount of great material being released every month from all publishers, and it's great to have the Eisner Awards help shine the spotlight on some of those titles." Read More Wednesday, Apr 16th, 2014 IDW To Release America's Army #9 And Special Edition #0 Comics This Week Fans Can Get a Special Edition #0 Signed by the Team at WonderCon Redstone Arsenal, Alabama / San Diego, CA (April, 16, 2014) - IDW Publishing and the U.S. Army announced today the digital release of AMERICA'S ARMY COMIC ISSUE #9 and the availability of a printed special edition AMERICA'S ARMY COMIC ISSUE #0 for fans at the upcoming WonderCon show in Anaheim, CA. The America's Army comics series is available through IDW on the web and virtually every digital platform including the IDW Comics app, ComiXology, Kindle Fire, Nook, Apple iBooks, and Kob
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