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jane.org gentle parenting, day and night baby smiles July 16, 2012 by Jane Audrey has started smiling, and not just reflexively. I believe she has started her “social” smiles, which are great. Especially at 4 in the morning when she’s been awake for a couple hours already, ugh. Last night was rough. She didn’t want to go back to sleep. My fault for deciding to wake her for a diaper change, oh well. At least Freya no longer wakes up at night. She’s getting a solid ten or eleven hours. She is the most well-rested person in the family right now. Well, unless you consider that Audrey still sleeps half the day. She has grown SO much since her birth five weeks ago. I can tell. It’s so different than it was with Freya. I look at this baby and just know she wasn’t that big when I gave birth to her. I don’t know her exact weight right now, I’m content to wait until her next doctor appointment next month. It’s so gratifying to know that I am completely responsible for her growing, that it’s my milk making her so big and healthy right now. I expect we will breastfeed exclusively until she is at least six to eight months old, then see how she feels about trying a couple of fruit or vegetable purees. No pressure though. And no rice cereal, either. Posted in Audrey | Tagged breastfeeding, co-sleeping | Leave a Comment » little one July 10, 2012 by Jane Four weeks old. It’s the same outfit she wore for her one week portrait. You can tell she has chunked up in her legs, stretched her feet out (or grown a half inch taller) and developed more rolls in her arms. And her face looks a bit fuller, eyes more alert. This time drags by, feels monotonous, but I have to remember it will pass and she will someday not mostly cry when awake, she will consent to sit down and allow me to eat a hot meal, and wow look at my Freya — Audrey will someday run up and down the hallway, laughing. I love the sound of that so much. Posted in Audrey, Photos | Leave a Comment » someday July 9, 2012 by Jane Someday I will read books again. Someday I will write again, work again, go out for drinks again, go see a movie again. I’ll come back and read this and think wow, I sort of remember that time. Audrey is four weeks old today. She has entered a stage where she does not want to be put down, ever. Not while awake or asleep. At times I can get away with putting her in a bouncer for a nap, if she is deeply asleep. But it’s a crapshoot. She is in a more active phase, and thus more fussy, less sleepy. She sleeps fairly well at night, however. Last night a huge thunderstorm passed over our town, with many many lightning flashes and thunder claps and a couple periods of violent rain. She (and Freya) slept through it. Our weather during the day is now nice and warm and sunny, just in time for me to feel utterly tethered to home. Audrey isn’t really even ready for the stroller. I’m going t
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