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HomeHomeAbout UsWho We AreClergyEducatorsLeadershipStaffOfficers and TrusteesDirectoryDirectionsContributionsCommunityMen's ClubSisterhoodB'nai Mitzvah InstitutePJ LibraryBereavement and MourningEducationKehilah SchoolEarly Childhood CenterHigh SchoolCalendarsPrograms & EventsKehilah SchoolEarly Childhood CenterCommunity LearningHebrew Date CalendarOnline ContributionsThe ScribeHomeAbout UsWho We AreClergyEducatorsLeadershipStaffOfficers and TrusteesDirectoryDirectionsContributionsCommunityMen's ClubSisterhoodB'nai Mitzvah InstitutePJ LibraryBereavement and MourningEducationKehilah SchoolEarly Childhood CenterHigh SchoolCalendarsPrograms & EventsKehilah SchoolEarly Childhood CenterCommunity LearningHebrew Date CalendarOnline ContributionsThe ScribeA community synagogue for progressive Conservative Judaism, welcoming to all. 914-835-2850Your Account: Sign InRabbi Hammerman's CornerDuring the course of the last several weeks, an unusual numbers of deaths have impacted our wider community – deaths of congregants, parents of congregants, a founding member of the synagogue and more. This unusual confluence of death and its attendant rituals gave me a chance to reflect in a more-intense-than-normal way upon how our congregation responds. During the sermon that I delivered on Yom Kippur morning, just before the Yizkor prayers, I focused, in particular, on the period of Shiva. Below, an excerpt from that portion of the sermon. I hope that you find these words not just meaningful but, also, helpful and instructive.To see the full article go to The Full Rabbi's Corner Here!Important AnnouncementsL’Shana TovahWishing You a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 5776Join us for High Holy Day services in our remodeled sanctuary.Experience the vibrancy newly-infused in the JCCH by Rabbi Eytan Hammerman.Enjoy the music of Cantor Israel Singer and our Israeli four-part choir.Learn at our parallel interactive Explanatory Service led by Rabbi Mitch Cohen.First-time visitors are most welcome at no charge.You may contact us at 914-835-2850130 Union Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528Weekly ProgramsThe JCCH offers a full spectrum of programs at regular intervals throughout the year. Some revolve around religious themes; others are more secular in nature. All are carefully planned by our lay volunteers and staff, and are enthusiastically attended by various segments of our community: from children to singles to young parents to empty nesters. Our regularly scheduled programs include short story discussions, torah study classes, morning minyans and “Tot Shabbats.”Religious ServicesWhile we pride ourselves in our cultural, social and educational programming, the heart of the JCCH is its religious life. Our services are carefully designed to enrich lives, touch souls and create community. We have musical services, traditional services, large sanctuary services, intimate lay-led chapel services, kids’ services and twice-weekly mi
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