域名年龄: 16年1个月1天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 服务器:nginx/1.10.1 访问时间:2016年10月02日 12:06:01 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked 连接:keep-alive 修改日期:2016年03月06日 12:18:49 Content-Encoding: gzip 网站编码:UTF-8
Mobile:+86 133 9977 3311 Email: uighurtours@hotmail.com wechat ID: uighurtourshomeKashgar ToursHotelsAttractionsTravel TipsAbout UsContact UsTestimonialsKorean|Bulungkol ValleyBulungkol ValleyBulong Kol means corner Lake; it is located next to the Karakoram Highway, about 170km from Kashgar city. It is also called white sand mountain as there are beautiful sand dunces with amazing reflection sceneryKarakul LakeKarakul LakeIt sits more than 3.5 km above sea level, with Muztagh Ata (7,546m/24,757ft) setting an imposing backdrop;whether for a day trip or an extended stay in yurt accommodation as you explore the surrounding hills.TashkorganTashkorganTashkorgan is a tiny island of concrete buildings nestled amongst breathtaking mountain ranges. The town itself isn’t much, but traveling there lets you take in the scenery of the Karakoram Highway.Oytagh Glacier ParkOytagh Glacier ParkOytagh Glacier is a surprisingly little knowncorner of China that features a glacier and forest more representative of Kyrgyzstan than the barer mountain scenery typical of Southern Xinjiang.Taklamakan DesertTaklamakan DesertOne of the major challenges to traders on the Silk Road was the Taklamakan Desert, 105,000 square miles of sand, dunes and gravel. This trip allows you to journey to its westernmost edge, where endless waves of sand stretch into the distanceShipton's ArchShipton's ArchShipton's Arch is the world’s highest natural arch. This imposing, entirely natural structure, rises an amazing 366m/1200ft ; Some walking and climbing is required, but this trip is suitable for all ages.Kashgar ToursTrip Karakoram Highway Trip Oytagh Glacier Park Day trip Shipton's archTrip to Pakistani Border Trip to Village Markets Day trip to Dwakol Desert Day trip to Yarkand Silk Road Tours Southern Silk Road Tour New Desert Highway tour Trip to Kucha Via Desert Crossing Tianshan Crossing Border Torugat Pass Erkashtam Pass Kashgar Travel Guide Discover Kashgar with Local Uighurs Experience the unique Culture of Uighur people, Discover the very best of Kashgar , See breathtaking scenery, trek high into the mountains or haggle in bazaars along ancient trade routes. Got a taste for adventure, but don’t want to worry about all the details? Leave them to us! Our packages take care of everything – all you have to worry about is haggling in the local bazaars :) Popular Tours City Cultural Tours A tour around this historic city on the crossroads of Asia. Day Trip to Karakul Lake An unforgettable visit to Karakul Lake at the foot of Muztagh Ata in the heart of the Pamirs 2-Day trip to Tashkorgan Travel along the Central Asia borders Tashkurgan, Visit Karakul lake Desert Camel Trekking A personalized tour into the Taklimakan desert with Camel Trekking Kashgar Hotels Qinibagh Hotel Tianyuan International Hotel Seman Hotel YinRuilin International Hotel Shenhang International Hotel Eden Hotel Travel Tips Kashgar Trains Kashgar Buses Kashgar Weather Kashgar Map U
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