域名年龄: 29年9个月10天HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 访问时间:2015年03月12日 07:13:26 目标网址: 文件大小:282 连接:关闭 类型:text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 服务器:Apache SVC: f51 目标网址: Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:198 WSVC: f311, f211C, f211 类型:text/html;charset=UTF-8 过期时间:2015年03月12日 07:13:33 缓存控制:max-age=0, 不缓存, no-store 其他指令:不缓存 访问时间:2015年03月12日 07:13:26 连接:keep-alive 动作:Accept-Encoding 设置Cookie:WMONID=g2nY9EtC1ON; Expires=Thu, 10-Mar-2016 23:13:33 GMT; Path=/ 设置Cookie:FRONT_JSESSIONID=BA8994A26B3B9D46AB5B28585339E53B.node_fapp_11;; Path=/ 设置Cookie:pcVersion=Y; Path=/ HTTP/1.1 200 OK 服务器:Apache SVC: f63 Content-Encoding: gzip WSVC: f314, f212C, f222 类型:text/html;charset=UTF-8 X-Origin-CC: 不缓存 文件大小:18363 过期时间:2015年03月12日 07:13:33 缓存控制:max-age=0, 不缓存, no-store 其他指令:不缓存 访问时间:2015年03月12日 07:13:26 连接:keep-alive 动作:Accept-Encoding 设置Cookie:WMONID=MEqJ6EHFGet; Expires=Thu, 10-Mar-2016 23:13:33 GMT; Path=/ 设置Cookie:FRONT_JSESSIONID=86E2F63B80C49FC52B00D1AC8A011344.node_fapp35_23;; Path=/ 设置Cookie:pcVersion=Y; Path=/ 设置Cookie:CS_JSESSIONID=5A65B00D222AE6A23A7D2D40298EED72.node_cs35_13;; Path=/ 网站编码:UTF-8
section of the HTML page. // To ensure that the full page loads as a prerequisite for the VersaTag // being activated (and the working mode is set to synchronous mode), place the tag at the bottom of the page. Note, however, that this may // skew the data for slow-loading pages, and in general is not recommended. // If the VersaTag code is configured to run in async mode, place the tag at the bottom of the page before the end of the section. // // NOTE: You can test if the tags are working correctly before the campaign launches // as follows: Browse to, which is // a page that lets you set your local machine to 'testing' mode. In this mode, when // visiting a page that includes a VersaTag, a new window will open, showing you // the tags activated by the VersaTag and the data sent by the VersaTag tag to the MediaMind servers. // // END of instructions (These instruction lines can be deleted from the actual HTML) var versaTag = {}; = "476"; versaTag.sync = 0; versaTag.dispType = "js"; versaTag.ptcl = "HTTPS"; versaTag.bsUrl = ""; //VersaTag activity parameters include all conversion parameters including custom parameters and Predefined parameters. Syntax: "ParamName1":"ParamValue1", "ParamName2":"ParamValue2". ParamValue can be empty. versaTag.activityParams = { //Predefined parameters: "OrderID":"","Session":"","Value":"","productid":"","productinfo":"","Quantity":"" //Custom parameters: }; //Static retargeting tags parameters. Syntax: "TagID1":"ParamValue1", "TagID2":"ParamValue2". ParamValue can be empty. versaTag.retargetParams = {}; //Dynamic retargeting tags parameters. Syntax: "TagID1":"ParamValue1", "TagID2":"ParamValue2". ParamValue can be empty. versaTag.dynamicRetargetParams = {}; //Third party tags conditional parameters. Syntax: "TagID1":"ParamValue1", "TagID2":"ParamValue2". ParamValue can be empty. versaTag.conditionalParams = {};
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2025-03-07 10:27, Process in 0.0068 second.