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iPhone App Design, Marketing & Solution liusoft Home Solutions Products Blog About us Subscribe Check out the Latest Articles: Attack of Maya, 2012 Happy April Fools’ Day 2011! 愚人节快乐! Our 4 apps in Top 30 FREE “终极减肥”排名第一 “终极减肥”成为“健康”分类的图标 “绝密私募内参”成为“财务”分类的图标 终极减肥法 图闻天下 (2000篇旅游博文精选集) 手机追踪 (AAA Phone Tracker) Attack of Maya, 2012 By admin Wednesday December 21, 2011 0 Comments Attack of Maya, 2012 now available at App Store: Year 2012 is not only the beginning of Maya’s No.5 Sun Century, but also the end of world. When darkness occupy sky, dawn won’t come any more. Who will be the hero to save the world? Mayan has wait centuries in dark forest for this moment. Maybe fighting is the only way to welcome the new age .. 【Game Features】 ★ The story kicked off the fighting among 2 tribes and Maya civilization. ★ Black buildings are local indigenous, yellow belongs to Maya, black is ancient China, and white is ancient Greek. ★ The game has totally 21 levels, and allow Maya tribe attack one or two tribes together. ★ The field spread from Asia, Europe, to America. ★ There are 5 capabilities: Attack, Defense, Troop Speed, Magic Increase, Troop Increase. ★ Each capability has 10 grades, and can be upgraded with coins. ★ On each level complete player will be awarded coins. The quicker, the more. Player can buy coins inside game. ★ After each level complete, it will show performance stars. 3 stars is maximum. 【How to play】 ★Victory★ Once a building was occupied by Maya soldiers, it will become yellow Maya pyramid. You win when all buildings in the battle field become Maya pyramid. ★Attack★ Press on yellow Maya pyramid A, move and release on a building B, and then one half of Maya soldiers from A will move toward B. ★Jointly Attack★ Press on yellow Maya pyramid A, move to B, move and release on C, and one half of Maya soldiers from both A and B will move toward C. ★Magic★ Tap a magic, and then tap on a building at which magic will cast. Player’s magic value will continue to increase. ★Produce★ Soldiers amount in building will continue to increase until reach the maximum of that building. Download at App Store: Continue Reading Products Attack of Maya, 2012 December 21, 2011 终极减肥法 February 17, 2011 图闻天下 (2000篇旅游博文精选集) February 17, 2011 手机追踪 (AAA Phone Tracker) February 17, 2011 绝密私募内参 (每日更新版) February 17, 2011 View More » Happy April Fools’ Day 2011! 愚人节快乐! By admin Friday April 1, 2011 0 Comments 愚人节到了,手机追踪 (AAA Phone Tracker)系列iPhone&iPad应用,迎来了一个下载高峰。作为苹果应用商店中最成功的一款电话追踪、手机追踪、手机定位娱乐类软件,自发布以来,受到了应用商店编辑的大力推荐和广大iPhone、iPad用户的热烈追捧,下载量迭创新高,仅仅愚人节之前的10天,中国区的下载量已经突破50万。可以说,两个iPhone、iPad持有者中,就有1位拥有我公司出品的应用。以下6张图片汇总了该产品在苹果应用商店中的杰出表现,全部为设备屏幕的实际截图,仅仅对其他产品进行了模糊处理。 手机追踪 (AAA Phone Tracker) ,专业版(AAA Phone Tracker Pro) ,双双冲入iPhone应用商店总排行榜前10名。如下图: 苹果iPhone应用商店,使用专业版(AAA Phone Tracker Pro)的图标作为娱乐(Entertainment)分类的图标。这是对该分类中数几万款应用之一的最大肯定和推荐!
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