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Menu: Home Art Director - Doorways Deviltown Upcoming covers OPEN - a series of horror vignettes Sky Burial Monkey vs. Lemur Installing Horror News About Monkey Pharmacy Reviews Links Photo gallery Contact Search: For all you sick monkeys... A couple of short story sales The short story "Still Life" will appear in the Pocket Books anthology Blood Lite 3 (available fall 2011). An earlier short story "Hypergraphia" has also sold to The Uninvited magazine. Mr. Lillie-Paetz is Fiend #11! A new anthology A Little Help From My Fiends contains 20 stories all co-authored by Michael McCarty. This anthology contains the short story THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE by Ken Lillie-Paetz and Michael McCarty. Published by Sam's Dot Publishing. You can read the Fangoria Magazine review of the anthology here. You can purchase a copy online at the Genre Mall The Metal Crypt Mr. Lillie-Paetz was interviewed on Sept. 9/09 on Hard Rock Radio Live's The Metal Crypt. Check this program out at THE METAL CRYPT with DJs Badslayer and Grimm New DevilTown artwork I've designed a new cover with artist Azim Akberali for the DevilTown property. Check it out at MORE DEVILTOWN!----- (just scroll down to the bottom). Doorways wins a Black Quill Award! Doorways Magazine has won a Black Quill Award for Editor's Choice Best Dark Genre Short Fiction Magazine. You can see all of this year's winners for the 2nd annual Black Quill Awards here. Elsinore downloads The Blackness Within Cover I've just received the finished art for the cover for the upcoming Apex Publications anthology The Blackness Within (edited by Gill Ainsworth). Check it out in the upcoming covers section ----- Doorways # 7 (featuring the novella Knock-Knock based on my OPEN horror vignette series) Just in time for Halloween, Doorways magazine has a special treat. Critically acclaimed horror authors Gary A. Braunbeck, John Everson and J.F. Gonzalez co-write the novella Knock-Knock. Each of the authors is writing as one of the characters from the OPEN comic series and together the characters come up with one twisted tale. Look for it in the Halloween Issue of Doorways (available now!). Clive Barker's Midnight Meat Train Doorways Magazine will be re-printing Clive Barker's short story Midnight Meat Train in issue #6. Check out some of my work as the Art Director for Doorways on Mr. Barker's site at Clive Barker's Revelations - Look for Clive Barker's Midnight Meat Train in the summer issue of Doorways (and soon on the big screen - Aug 1st, 2008 from Lions Gate Films) 1-9 of 9
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