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MVBC 搜索此网站MVBC菜单HomeNewsletterFacebookTwitterCalendarNoticesRidesRoutesRidePoliciesToursCoveredBridgeLoopMiniLoopCraterLakeCoastGravelNWTandemRallyNorthwestRidesMembershipBenefitsVolunteerDonateContactAboutEmailLinksArchiveGalleryMVBCHomeNewsletterFacebookTwitterCalendarNoticesRidesRoutesRidePoliciesToursCoveredBridgeLoopMiniLoopCraterLakeCoastGravelNWTandemRallyNorthwestRidesMembershipBenefitsVolunteerDonateContactAboutEmailLinksArchiveGallery更多HomeNewsletterFacebookTwitterCalendarNoticesRidesRoutesRidePoliciesToursCoveredBridgeLoopMiniLoopCraterLakeCoastGravelNWTandemRallyNorthwestRidesMembershipBenefitsVolunteerDonateContactAboutEmailLinksArchiveGalleryMid-ValleyBicycle ClubPromoting Cycling, Education & Safety in the Willamette Valley since 1974Welcome to the MVBCThe Mid-Valley Bicycle Club is a non-profit cycling club centered in Corvallis, Oregon, the top bicycle commuting city in America. The club was founded in 1974, and is open to cyclists of all ages and abilities.Keep an eye on MVBC NOTICES for the latest club information.We have several weekly ride options, touring the surrounding Willamette Valley and Coast Range Mountains. Our net proceeds are dedicated to bicycle education and safety programs, and to related aims as described in our club bylaws.Check out our calendar, weekly rides, annual tours, and more, at the menu links above. Links to the MVBC Facebook Group and Twitter Account pages follow below. For more background on the MVBC, please read our club newsletter, the Spokesman, and browse through our digital archive.Please consider joining the MVBC. You can read about some of the benefits of membership, and will find sign-up instructions at the membership page.Resources =,, twitter.mvbc.comContacts & Notices =, notices.mvbc.comNewsletter = newsletter.mvbc.comInquiries = or PO Box 1373, Corvallis OR 97339Privacy Policy = privacy.mvbc.com举报不良行为举报不良行为
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