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InvestorsSince its founding in 1998, Cumulus has continuously grown through approximately 150 M&A transactions and is presently the fastest-growing radio company in the US. We are the second largest operator of radio stations, currently serving 120 metro markets with over 570 stations. Our Q3 2011 purchase of Citadel Broadcasting added over 200 stations and increased our reach in 7 of the Top 10 US metros. In addition to the station group, Cumulus acquired the Citadel/ABC Radio Network, which serves 4,000+ radio stations and 121 million listeners, in the transaction. Cumulus Media, Inc. is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol CMLS. [cumulusaccordion][accord=Request Information][formidable id=9 title=true description=true][/accord][accord=Press Releases – 2012][wpfilebase tag=list id=1 tpl='file_list_table' /][/accord][accord=SEC Filings – 2012][wpfilebase tag=list id=4 tpl='file_list_table' /][/accord][accord=Governance Documents – 2012][wpfilebase tag=list id=2 tpl='file_list_table' /][/accord][accord=Presentations – 2012][wpfilebase tag=list id=3 tpl='file_list_table' /][/accord][accord=Stock Chart][cumulusstationsstockchart][/accord][accord=Email Alerts]Set Email Alert for CMLS [/accord][/cumulusaccordion] Work HereAs the second largest radio company in the U.S, Cumulus is always on the lookout for talented individuals in our 120 local market operations and corporate offices located in Atlanta, New York, and Dallas. Ours is a culture that fosters and rewards performance. Whether you aspire to engage listeners on air, produce award-winning advertising, or build a career as a media sales professional, we will provide you with training and support systems that are second to none. While radio is a fun business to work in, Cumulus employees go to work knowing that they will test their abilities and grow every day. We encourage each team member to take ownership of his or her position and take responsibility for innovating his or her role. If this type of work appeals to you, you’re a team player and you’ve got talent, perseverance, and personal integrity, we’d love to hear from you. Check out openings in the link below and check back with us regularly if you don’t find what you’re looking for today. Cumulus Media is an Equal Opportunity Employer. EmployeesImportant Cumulus Resources: IT Help Desk Engage CRM Stratus Traffic Stratus Music Webmail Daily Booking Company Policies CSOS Sales Portal Site for Updates Sales Armor Sales Blog Cumulus Health Plan Site CEDIS Contact Your Local Cumulus Office[cumulusstations] Corporate Offices Cumulus / ABC Radio Networks – Dallas Cumulus Media Networks – NYC Captivating Our Audience All 150 Million of them. The Power of Cumulus Radio Home Michael Savage Jumps to Over 200 Stations Nationwide Airing The Savage Nation® in Drivetime as of January 2014 SavageDrivetimeRelease Final.pdf Platforms:Windows 98,
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2025-03-05 18:30, Process in 0.0053 second.