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Submit your writing Support our organization What's new on our site today! Native Languages of the Americas:Preserving and promoting American Indian languages Welcome to Native Languages of the Americas! We are a small non-profit organization dedicated to the survival of Native American languages, particularly through the use of Internet technology. Our website is not beautiful. Probably, it never will be. But this site has inner beauty, for it is, or will be, a compendium of online materials about more than 800 indigenous languages of the Western Hemisphere and the people that speak them. Native Languages of the Americas Online Resources Alphabetical master list of Native American languages, with links to specific information about each language and its native speakers. Linguistic family groupings showing the relationships between Amerindian languages. Vocabulary lists in various American Indian languages. Native American language learning worksheets including picture dictionaries, parts of the body, and pronunciation guides. List of Native American cultures featured on our site. Geographical index of Native American tribes grouped by continent, country, and state or province. Maps of Native American culture areas of the Western Hemisphere. Kids Menu of Native American information presented for younger readers. List of Native American books and other resources by and about American Indians. Online collection of Native American myths and legends from several tribes. Links to general American Indian language resources available online. NOTE: Some of the links we provide are more useful than others. We are not responsible for the content of any of the external sites we link to. We have tried to provide the most complete directory of Native American Indian language materials available. If a link is dead, or you have one to add, or if there is a mistake on our site you would like to correct, information you would like us to add, or admiration you wish to express, here is our contact page, also with answers to frequently asked questions. If you are looking for Orrin's homepage, we moved it from here to give more prominence to the Native American language pages. Why aren't there any links about how American Indian languages are descended from Ancient Egyptian? See our new page explaining the truth behind some of the incorrect "theories" floating around the web about Native American languages, cultures, and history. Feel free to link to this site or to any of the pages in it. Also, you have our permission to cite this information or pass it on to others in any way that would be useful. Our goal is to make it easier to learn about, preserve, and revive Native American languages by using the Internet. This is a public service on our part. All the information about American Indians and American Indian languages was written by Orrin Lewis, Laura Redish, or our friend Nancy Sherman, who has kindly agreed to let us use them. We make every poss
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