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Welcome to the National Cage Bird Show "Your Show of ShOWS" The National Cage Bird Show is an organization that caters to ALL caged birds, be they Type Canaries like the popular Glosters, Borders, Fifes, Domestic Hartz, Columbus Fancy, Lizards, Staffords, Yorkshires, Norwich, Old Variety Crested, Parisian Frills, Belgian Fancy, Scot Fancy, Lancashire, Northern Dutch Frills, Southern Dutch Frills or Gibbers. Be they Song Canaries like the popular American Singers, Rollers, Spanish Timbrados or Belgium Waterslagers. Be they Colorbred Canaries like the popular Lipochrome and Melanin varieties. Be they all the varieties of finches, softbills, parrots, cockatiels, lovebirds and so many more! Won't you come and join us? If you have any questions, please contact our Webmaster
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2025-03-02 22:08, Process in 0.0079 second.