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Indiana Disciples NewsNews from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in IndianaSearchMain menuSkip to primary contentSkip to secondary contentHomeThe Indiana ChristianBack IssuesClassifiedsRequest an AdSend NewsPost navigation← Older postsIndiana Green Chalice: How do we find out?Posted on February 18, 2015 by newsadminReplyThere are occasional reports in the newspapers, magazines, and TV about the issues involved in “global warming,” “climate change,” and “environmental justice.” These are extremely important issues! But where can we get more details; where are the additional facts that will help us understand? Are there stories of events around the world that clarify the issues?Actually, there are quite a few websites where events are being reported and the issues are being discussed. Often these websites are printing articles that have been published in other outlets, from all regions of the world. Many are news stories of people and/or places experiencing change. Some are opinion articles expressing a point of view. There is good news and troubling news. But, by taking time regularly to read the content from these sources, one can feel much better informed.Here are three websites well worth your time. 1), 2), 3) You will gradually discover others as you learn the value of informing yourself and others.Jennie Beth BakerIndiana Green Chalice MinistryPosted in Green Chalice| Leave a replyRegion welcomes two new staff personsPosted on February 18, 2015 by newsadminReplyJoining the Regional staff this month are Cynthia Newman and Philip Cleveland. We welcome them to our team.Cynthia will serve for six months as the Minister of Clergy Economic Empowerment. In that role she will give direction to the use of a $50,000 planning grant that the Region has received to study the challenge of clergy debt and finances. The Lilly Endowment has invited the Christian Church in Indiana to consider making application for a larger grant of up to $1 million to be used to establish programs to increase the personal financial planning literacy of clergy and congregational leaders and also to establish a direct debt reduction process that is built around a matching grant program. The Regional Board will make a decision in August on whether or not to go forward with an application for the larger grant based on work done in the next six months.Cynthia is a long time member of Light of the World Christian Church and serves as a commissioned minister in their congregation for work she does with a program to empower young girls. She is also a professional financial consultant. She can be contacted at begins work as a Ministry Associate. His work will focus in the areas of event registration and administration including camp and conference, retreats, and Regional Assembly. He will also oversee the Indiana Christian and our web and social media presence. He is a membe
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