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200 Route 17 North Paramus, NJ 07652 201-262-5533 Check out the Summer Tripplet in the Members Section Now Pay your Dues and Purchase Tickets to Elk Events online in the Members Section With Paypal Thank you for visiting the web site of the Paramus Elks Lodge #2001 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Our Order is dedicated to charity and helping those less fortunate. The New Jersey State Elks Association provides a summer camp for Special needs children. This camp is funded solely by the individual lodges, through the State organization, and is open to any child with disabilities at no cost to the parents. Our Elks Association also helps our US Veterans, from all wars, furnishing them with friendship and whatever material items they may need to make their lives a little easier. Our Army of Hope reaches out the families of servicemen and women currently on active duty in foreign lands to offer them personal and financial assistance. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks stands second only to the United States government in the amount of scholarships we award America's youth each year. We provide Drug Awareness programs to schools, run athletic activities for our children, and remain true and upstanding members of our communities. Fraternally Yours, John Napoli Jr. Exaulted Ruler 2013-2014 If you have any questions or comments please e-mail
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