HTTP/1.1 200 OK 缓存控制:max-age=604800,max-age=86400 文件大小:1333 类型:text/html Content-Encoding: gzip 文件地址: 过期时间:1997年01月01日 20:00:00 修改日期:2012年05月07日 23:21:14 接受单位:字节 网页标记:"0d150a652ccd1:1d90" 动作:Accept-Encoding 服务器:Microsoft-IIS/6.0 语言环境:ASP.NET 访问时间:Mon, 15 Jul 2013 16:49:22 GMT
tag . //---- Choice of variables ----\\ var widt=screen.width-25 var heig=1130 var numb=1000 //---------The description---------\\ /* widt - the variable indicates the width of your page (you can change it as you like). heig - you can choose a height, e.g. 1000 px., whatever you like. numb - stars number (we have 200). */ //----------- DO NOT Change Below this line -----------\\ // //The script works both with Internet Explorer (4-6) and with Netscape (4,6). var ns=document.layers?1:0 var ie4=document.all?1:0 var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all?1:0 var NN=(document.layers ? true:false) colo=new Array(numb) j=0 tx="" if(ns) { tx=tx+"" } else { document.write(".") } for (i=0; i 2.6){col="#ffaa88";n=8} if (Math.random()>.7){nam="r"+j; colo[j]=n;j=j+1} else{nam=""} wi=Math.floor(wi) he=wi if (ns) { tx=tx+"" } else { document.write("") } if(ns){document.write (tx);tx=""} } function recolor() { for (i=0; i
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2025-01-16 02:13, Process in 0.0042 second.