到期时间: 2017-07-31HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2014年03月31日 06:32:46 语言环境:PHP/5.2.17 过期时间:1981年11月19日 16:52:00 缓存控制:no-store, 不缓存,必须更新, post-check=0, pre-check=0 其他指令:不缓存 Content-Encoding: gzip 动作:Accept-Encoding 设置Cookie:PHPSESSID=64fmff1biub8akc8g79k9iv7j4; path=/ X-UFL-RequestURI: / X-UFL-RealServer: X-UFL-VirtServer: nrotc.ufl.edu 连接:关闭 Transfer-Encoding: chunked 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 网站编码:UTF-8
"The Navy has both a tradition and a future--and we look with pride and confidence in both directions."-Admiral George AndersonABOUT US:The University of Florida's own Naval Reserve Officer TrainingCorps carries on the fine tradition of training, and conditioningthe future of the United States Naval Service. More than onehundred midshipmen, and officer candidates from both the Navy andMarine Corps are seeking their commission through any one of themany excellent programs NROTC has to offer. Whether on scholarship or a "college programmer," the battalionwelcomes midshipmen from all walks of life as they preparethemselves mentally and physically for military service. Priorenlisted military personnel may also seek their commission at UFNROTC through the Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP) and MarineEnlisted Commissioning and Education Program (MECEP). Regardlessof background, all will find the opportunity to excell in one of awide variety of future career paths that include: » Surface Warfare Officer (SWO) » Naval or Marine Aviation » Serving on board a submarine or aircraft carrier as anuclear power officer » SEAL/Special Warfare » Marine Corps Infantry Officer » and many more... The University of Florida is located in the heart of Gainesville,and is attended by more than 50,000 students! With over 150undergraduate majors and 16 individual colleges located on campus,UF is an excellent school for those who are seeking a top-notcheducation while simultaneously pursuing a military career at whatis without a doubt the best damn unit in the country.ATTENTION MIDSHIPMEN:Find out more about the US Navy's ranking tier system by clickingthe link below: Navy tiersystem explained As part of the military's future, it is important to maintain ahigh level of readiness, both mental and physical. Doing well in atechnical major will benefit you for service selection far morethan doing well in a nontechnical one. The Navy's tier systemenforces this, rewarding those who choose to follow a major inengineering or science. Making good decisions is also part of the Navy's mission for itssailors, and there's never a bad time to make a good decision!Start practicing sound decision making, and set the example, whileensuring that your friends do the same. Join the Navy's FacebookCoalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions (CSADD) today,and spread the word that a sound decision is the right one! Find out more and joinhereSTA-21 AND MECEP SELECTS:Have you been accepted into the STA-21 or MECEP program? If so,then congratulations. The bond of brotherhood is strong in the naval service, whether serving on a ship at sea or wearing boots on the ground. The opportunity to lead your fellow shipmates and marines is a tremendous one, and it is not something one should be unprepared for. The University of Florida Navy ROTC wants to help you reach your full potential as a naval or marine officer by giving you the very best training t
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2025-01-05 12:08, Process in 0.0058 second.