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Pastors Don and Steve Welcome You! Olive Branch Baptist Fellowship has been serving the Corning community for more than fifty years. We are committed to biblical teaching with none of the "feel good" messages becoming so common today though all messages given in God's Word should make us feel good! We are scripture based right from the Word of God and use the Holy Bible as our teaching text. We hope to see you soon! Check back later for new updates to our website. We have much to do in setting up our new website and we will be adding a lot of new content over the next few weeks. We will be adding pages dedicated to our Youth Group and the Children's Ministry. There's much more to come!SCHEDULE:SUNDAY:Sunday School: 9:30 AMAdultsChildrenSunday Worship: 11:00 AMChildren Worship then transition to Children's ChurchTHURSDAY: Youth Group: 5:30 PM (Beginning Sept. 6, 2012)Praise Team Practice: 7:30 PM Website Builder provided by Vistaprint
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2025-01-04 23:25, Process in 0.0060 second.