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Skip to main contentProjectsTechnologiesWebmailHomeLocationServicesInternet ServicesDSLWirelessDialupOmFusion Phone+DSLColocationEMail ServicesIT Asset SupportConsumer Home PC RepairsWeb ServicesDomain HostingDomain Name LookupRegister DomainToolsFusion ToolsManage DomainManage Email SettingsNetwork StatusSupportDSLComputer Setup InstructionsModem Setup InstructionsDialupComputer Setup InstructionsMac OSX 10.0 - 10.4 Dialup InstructionsWin XP Dialup InstructionsWin95/98 Dialup InstructionsDialup Number ListEmailClient SetupWindowsWindows MailOutlook Express Outlook 2007 (IMAP, SSL) Thunderbird 3 (IMAP, SSL) Thunderbird 2 Eudora 7 Mac OS (default) Thunderbird 3 (IMAP, SSL) Thunderbird 2 Entourage Eudora 7 iPhone Android Quick Info Autoreply and Forwarding Contact OmFusion OmFiber OmConsulting OmPhilisophy 1 2 3 4 Rate Increase As some of our customers already know when they read over our prior months statements, we are raising the rates for some of our services across the board by $3 monthly. We feel that after over 10 years without any monthly rate hikes to our end users, now is the time for a small increase to better position our revenues against the increased costs of doing business over the past 10 years. We believe you recognize the need for small, locally-owned, Internet Access operations and support their operation. We will continue to provide you with an uninterrupted, unanalyzed; advertisement, rate-limit, and NSA-free Internet connection. 66 Mbps is here! 1/31/15 - OmFusion has Blazing Fast VDSL2 speed now available in Downtown Davis, Woodland, and Sacramento. Starting at $42.95 per month plus tax. This super fast VDSL is only available in Downtown areas of Davis, Woodland and Sacramento. Max 4000 feet from the CO. That sort of range. No bandwidth caps, no equipment rental, no setup fees. Locations really close, say less than 1500ft are getting dramatic and good speeds of up tp 60Mbps down/ 20 Mbps up depending on distance and line quality. Bonded products deliver twice that along with 2 fully functioning landlines. VDSL2 Equipment is a $100 Deposit, returned upon return of working equipment at end of term. Bonded VDSL2 is a $200 Deposit, returned upon return of working equipment at end of term. See - Fiber Optics to the MDU 100Mbps to 1 Gbps Fiber Internet Access to the MDU, Shopping Center, or Bandwidth Hungry Business Blazing Fast 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps fiber optic connections are available now to properties throughout the Greater Sacramento area. Now is an excellent time to provide an excellent high quality fiber connection to your complex or office park. These new fiber based technologies are cheaper and faster than T3 speeds, and are scalable to support the bandwidth hungry future. Email for more information. OmFusion An exciting bundle of of land line phone and ADSL2+ Internet. OmFusion communications bundle that is private, protected, and distinct from large mega corpora
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