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Home Glossary File Extensions Online Slang Emoticons Help Center Resources Welcome to PC.net Your Personal Computing Resource PC News June 3, 2019 Apple Announces $12,000 Mac Pro and Display Combo Good news! Apple finally announced a new Mac Pro and Apple Display. Bad news - the display is $5,000 without a stand. Add the $6,000 "entry-level" Mac Pro and a $1,000 stand for the monitor and the total is $12,000 before tax. At least both the computer and monitor both double as cheese graters. Comments View Full Article...May 25, 2019 Free Wi-Fi in Japan, 5 Years Later I finally made it back to Japan last month, five years after my first visit. I say "finally" since I had hoped to return much sooner. Japan happens to be my favorite place in the world. A lot can change in five years, especially with wireless technology. When I visited Japan in 2014, it was almost impossible to find free Wi-Fi. Fortunately, I purchased a 120 megabyte data plan from AT&T before leaving for my 2014 trip. This was my lifeline as traveled up north, where English signs disappeared and most people only spoke Japanese. In April 2019, the Wi-Fi situation was completely different. I was able to find free Wi-Fi in nearly every city I visited, including Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto. I even found several places with free Wi-Fi in Iwaki, located 2.5 hours north of Tokyo in the Fukushima prefecture. Comments View Full Article...April 1, 2019 Small Typo Sets Back Apple Design More than a Decade One small letter can make a big difference. On March 19th, Apple announced the first update to its iMac line in almost two years. While Mac users were happy to see updated iMacs, even the most loyal Apple customers were left wondering — will there ever be a new design? The "computer-on-a-stand" design has remained relatively unchanged since Apple released the iMac G5 in 2004. Despite growing complaints from Apple users, Apple has not strayed from the iPod-inspired design of the early 2000s. Finally, after more than a decade, information has surfaced as to why the company has been so reticent to update the design. Comments View Full Article...March 26, 2019 Background Updates OK, so it has been a few months since my last Editor's Update. Instead of listing a bunch of reasons (a.k.a. excuses), I will simply distract from this fact by saying I've been busy making other updates to the site. I like to call these "background updates." Notably, I have added several articles to the Help Center. In recent years, this section has become the most popular part of PC.net. I receive several questions a week, and while I wish I could answer all of them, I do answer the ones I can. Every once in a while I post an article based on something I learned, not user feedback. Yes, after all these years of working with computers, I am still learning new things. One example is an article I posted yesterday about taking screenshots in macOS. When I'm doing graphics editing on my Mac, I often take screensh
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