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Welcome to Private Equity Capital PECC is a private equity investment firm focused on sponsoring change of ownership transactions in the middle market. Extensive experience in structuring the financing and setting the strategy for the acquired companies. Make skills and resources available to management in order to maximize a company's potential. Work closely with the management teams to develop strong, growing, and independent entities. "We believe that a successful acquisition is the result of a close working relationship between the management team and itself." More About Private Equity... "What it is, it's a gathering of owners and these people feel like owners, we treat them like owners and we try to have them have a good time while they're here. But these are people who are real shareholder owners, as opposed to somebody who owns a ticker symbol and is thinking about next quarter's earnings or something of the sort. So it's a different breed of shareholder".....Warren Buffett. Chairman & CEO, Berkshire Hathaway
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2025-02-13 08:53, Process in 0.0085 second.