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Your Independent Journal from the HeartlandWelcome to the online edition of The PROGRESSIVE POPULIST, the People's Voice in a Corporate World.Check Out Our ‘Progressive Populist Today’ BlogSearch WWWSearch populist.comSelections from the October 15, 2015 issueCOVER/Conor LynchThe age of apocalyptic governmentEDITORIALSome Democrats fear the BernLETTERS TO THE EDITOR DON ROLLINS Portland may lead way on gentrificationRURAL ROUTES/Margot McMillen Southern coops work for food sovereigntyDISPATCHES GOP playing defense in 2016 Senate races; Hillary expands polling leads, opposes Keystone pipeline; Pharmas backtrack on drug price increases; Path to renewable energy;Republican senators opposed to Clean Water rule;Some unions endorse, others hold off...JIM GOODMANOur right to know what's in our foodGRASSROOTS/Hank KaletThe right to a level playing fieldROGER BYBEE Tax cuts Now or growth in the futureGENE NICHOLOur greatest constitutional shortcomingRANDOLPH HOLHUTLiving in the era of peak planetJOHN YOUNG Climate action represents 'system threat’JOSEPH ATKINSHoward Industries’ secret lifeHEALTH CARE/Joan Retsinas Personal responsibility in the age of ACASAM URETSKYOhio demands down syndrome birthsWAYNE O’LEARYThe new stupid partyJOHN BUELLTo tighten or not to tighten: Not the question SETH SANDRONSKYLabor in the on-demand economyDONALD KAULThe GOP agenda (or lack thereof)and more ...The next issue of The Progressive Populist will be published on October 17.Unveiling Daily Progressive PopulistMore News, Every DayEach issue of The Progressive Populist contains approximately 45 columns and articles, but many of our syndicated writers produce weekly columns, and we only come out twice monthly, so oftentimes we are forced to choose between two or three good columns for the printed edition. For those of you who think “All the news that fits” just isn’t enough, we have drawn up a plan to send out daily updates by email that include extra columns from Dean Baker, Bob Burnett, Joe Conason, Tina Dupuy, Will Durst, Amy Goodman, Froma Harrop, Jim Hightower, Mary Sanchez, Jesse Jackson, Gene Lyons, Ralph Nader, Heather Digby Parton, Ted Rall, Connie Schultz, David Sirota, Jason Stanford, Joan Walsh, Mark Weisbrot, John Young and others, as well as features such as Writers on the Range and OtherWords.com and other news and commentary of note. The daily service is available only to regular subscribers who want more of their favorite writers.If you’d like to take advantage of a free two-week introductory subscription to the Daily Progressive Populist and you already subscribe to the regular newsprint or PDF by email editions, send an email message to populist(at)usa.net with “Daily Progressive Populist Trial Subscription” in the subject line; make sure you include the email address you want the daily updates sent to, if it’s different from your re
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