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Screen Reader AccessSkip to main contentSkip to navigationHomeWebmailFeedbackAbout UsPTCUL at a GlanceCorporate Vision, Aims and ObjectivesCorporate ValuesBoard of DirectorsOrganization ChartMilestones and AchievementsDepartmentsOperations & Maintenance Transmission Map PTCUL Substations Transmission Lines Operational Parameters O&M Manual Safety ManualProjects UITP Map Project Details Environment and Social Reports Rates ScheduleFinance Annual Budget Annual Reports and Financial Results EPF Finance Parameters List of Accounting Division/Units in PTCULHuman Resource Current Status of Promotional & Direct Recruitment posts Staff Structure HR ParametersCommercial Tariff Orders Filling of Petitions Procedure of Connectivity and FormatsOther Units Quality Assurance & Quality Control Information Technology Scada /SLDC Corporate Planning Material ManagementEOI & TendersVendors DetailProcedure of Web based TenderingCurrent Tenders, Notices and EOIE-Tendering Tender Wizard UK TendersInformation CenterOM & CircularsEmpanelled HospitalsWhistle Blower PolicyCorporate Social Responsibility PolicyActs and RegulationsElectricity Acts & AmendmentsRTICommercial RegulationsDraft Service RegulationOnline ServicesOnline Application for Grant of NOC to ISTSSLDC Uttarakhand NOC PortalKPIRelated LinksContact UsPreviousNextAdvertisement for the Post of Director(Finance) and Director (Human Resource) Published on 12.07.2019KPIs of PTCUL for 2019-20Corporate ValuesPTCUL shall promote transparency, openness and fairness in all its functions. PTCUL shall ensure safety, security and dignity of all female employees. PTCUL shall promote work culture of excellence and quality with efficiency and cost consciousness. PTCUL shall promote spirit of co-operation and team work amongst its employees at all levels.know more ..MD's MessageIt is my pleasure to extend warm greetings to all officers, employees and stakeholders of Power Transmission Corporation of Uttarakhand Ltd. (PTCUL). In order to establish & grow in any respective field, one has to have definite criteria, based on which a company decides to formulate their growth. We being no exception have built a strong foundation of our company upon certain definite vision, mission & goals, which we ought to achieve, on our way to success.know more ..LATEST NEWS & NOTICES02-Aug-2019 Filling up the Post of Director (Market Operation) POSOCO, a Schedule 'A'.02-Aug-2019 सचिव (ऊर्जा) महोदय द्वारा दिनांक 31.07.2019 को आहूत समीक्षा बैठक में लिए गये निर्णय के क्रियान्वयन के सम्बन्ध में02-Aug-2019 कार्मिकों के Redeployment के सम्बन्ध में02-Aug-2019 विकल्प पत्र उपलब्ध कराने जाने के सम्बन्ध में01-Aug-2019 राष्ट्रीय विद्युत प्रशिक्षण प्रतिष्ठान में जूनियर एकाउन्टस ऑफिसर (लेवल-6) एवं जूनियर एकाउंटेन्ट (लेवल-4) के पदों को विदेश सेवा की शर्तों की अधीन प्रतिनियुक्ति के माध्यम से भरे जाने के सम्बन्ध में। 01-Aug-2019 पिटकुल में कार्मिकों की सेवानिवृत्ति तिथि को विदाई समारोह के आयोजन में होने वाले व्यय की धनराशि के सम्बन्ध में।
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