域名年龄: 25年10个月6天HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 服务器:Apache/2.4 类型:text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 访问时间:2017年01月04日 22:45:49 目标网址: 连接:Keep-Alive 设置Cookie:X-Mapping-enjfgbeo=B70A9B9B727E2684DB71583BDBEB637B; path=/ 文件大小:292 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 服务器:Apache/2.4 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 访问时间:2017年01月04日 22:45:49 Transfer-Encoding: chunked 连接:Keep-Alive 设置Cookie:X-Mapping-enjfgbeo=6FEB813E8683FFA7ABB02D17BE6DF65A; path=/ 网站编码:UTF-8
homeproductssolutions raid support company news contact blog Lock Down Your Data. Here's the Key. JetStor SAS 816F - 16Gb/s FC 16BAY - 10TB HDD SUPPORT - 160TB IN 3U!Encryption at Rest Support ISE, TCG, SED, SSD with Block Erase & Password Protect All Flash For Everyone! JetStor 826FXD - HIGH PERFORMANCE ALL FLASH SAN STORAGE26-bay AFA Dual-Active Controllers - 12Gb SAS 3.0 - Onboard High Speed 10GbE LAN Ports Data Everywhere. Backup to the Cloud. JetStor NAS 1600S 12G - 16BAY 8GB CIFS/NFS/iSCSI/FC SUPPORT 10GSSD Caching, VMware VAAI, Thin-Provisioning From the Blog: Foremost, of course, is the inexorable adoption of SSDs by both the consumer and enterprise markets. The drivers are well reported. Superior I/O performance, decreasing cost per gigabyte, and lower energy consumption, which help offset the capital costs of flash-based drives. Additionally, the capacity of SSDs continues to grow. 2TB SSDs are increasingly popular and 15TB SSD drives just been announced. This year, expect 512GB USB drives that fit in your pocket. There’s no reason why SSDs can’t eventually become more capacious than HDDS. As flash technologies improve, it’s only a matter of time before their prices drop quicker than HDDs. In the more immediate future, all-flash arrays will continue to proliferate, replacing HDD arrays particularly for mission critical applications. As their per gigabyte costs come down, they will increasingly be used for other applications. SSDs will eventually replace HDDs as certainly as CDs and DVDs replaced audio and video cassettes. Read More | Full ACNC Blog AC&NC JetStor Storage Solutions AC&NC™ meets the evolving needs for data storage, protection, and management. We leverage leading technologies to offer high-value solutions for NAS, SANs, clouds, and hyper-converged infrastructures (HCIs). Since 1994, our customers have spanned virtually every industry, and range from Fortune 500 enterprises to small- and medium-sized firms. We support environments from data centers and clouds to branch offices and remote sites. AC&NC has prospered for decades thanks to our experienced management team and a business model focused on providing every customer with highly competitive solutions, services, and support. We align AC&NC’s priorities with yours to ensure your systems remain effective throughout their lifecycles. PRODUCT EXPERTISE: iSCSI IP SAN Storage Devices FC SAN High Density Storage Unified Storage/NAS Devices DAS / JBOD / SAS Flash Hybrid (All SSD Storage) More What's New Case Studies Events / Trade Shows JetStor 826FXD AFA Offers Ultra-Fast Performance10TB Hard Drives Now Available!Ultra-Dense JetStor Tackles Storage Demands in Hyper-Scale DatacentersACNC / StorTrends Helps Move CSU to the Head of the ClassFilm Studio Uses RAIDIX to Protect Digital Content Film Studio Uses RAIDIX to Protect Digital ContentRAIDIX Powers Huge CCTV System in Major Korean CityACNC / StorTrends Helps Move CSU
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