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Mencari SCTV Indonesia? / ©2002-2019 WELCOME TO SCTV.ORG...devoted to Second City Television. It's , and SCTV is on the air! !!! SORRY, but this site has ceased operations! You can find all the news and the latest information about SCTV on the official website SCTV Christmas Special with Bobby Bittman & Jackie Rogers Jr. Liberace's Christmas Special CHRISTMAS WITH SCTV! NOW AVAILABLE ON DVD The Dusty Towne Sexy Holiday Special with Marcie Odette & Divine Tex Rex & Edna Boil's Prairie Warehouse home - the cast - characters - history - links -SCTV store SCTV (Second City Television) characters included Ed Grimley, Count Floyd,Johnny LaRue, Edith Prickley, Lola Heatherton, Johnny LaRue, Big Jim McBob and Billy Sol Hurock of the Farm Film Report, Sammy Maudlin, Guy Caballero, Bobby Bittman, The Shmenge Brothers (The Happy Wanderers - sometimes misspelled "Schmenge Brothers" - Yosh Shmenge and Stan Shmenge of "The Last Polka"), Lin Ye Tang, Five Neat Guys (or 5 Neat Guys), The McKenzie Brothers (Bob and Doug McKenzie), Tex and Edna Boil, Agnus Crock, Dusty Towne, Gerry Todd, Johnny LaRue, Mel Slirrup (sometimes "Mel Slirrop") Floyd Robertson and Earl Camembert of the SCTV News, William B. Williams, and many more. SCTV ran from 1976-1984, showing in Canada on Global Television and CBC Television, and in the US on NBC Television and Cinemax. The show was called "Second City TV" from 1976-1981, "SCTV Network 90" from 1981-1983, and "SCTV Channel" from 1983-1984
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