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(800)234-1261 || codeof ethicscorporateinformation| mapSensaBusiness CommunicationsCode ofethicsSensasubscribes to the Codeof Ethics for ProfessionalCommunicatorsof the International Association of BusinessCommunicators.CorporateinformationManagementUsefulutilitiesAdobeAcrobat Reader(for reading Adobe Acrobat PDF documents)WinZip(for compressing Windows documents to shorten file transfertime)Toprint this web site, please see the black-and-whitetext-only version.Contentsof this site: copyright 2000-2005 by Sensa BusinessCommunications.Sensaisa Colorado-based public relations agency committed toqualityin the marketplace.Our goal is helpingorganizations become more profitableand productive. We do this by helping them communicate better with three basic audiences: Customers Employees Suppliers Sensa challenges organizations to ask: What benefits do we offer these three audiences? Can we communicate and sell these benefits better than we do now? Sensa offers six services: Consultation Training Media and community relations Research Editing Design and production (Web and traditional media) Clients have included education, manufacturing, merchandising, photography, public relations, communications, and defense-related organizations. Write or call... Sensa Business Communications 2416 Sheffield Circle West Fort Collins, CO 80526-1636 click here for map (800) 234-1261 or (970) 221-5898 Fax (760) 437-3210 (800) 234-1261 | | code of ethics corporate information | map top of page
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