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HomeAbout UsOverviewExpertiseServicesOverviewSustainabilityConsultancy and TrainingAudit and AssessmentTypical AssignmentsClientsResourcesNewsUpcoming EventsContact UsShemsi UpdatesMore »More »More »More »Updates on Revision of ISO 14001 and Other StandardsOctober 3, 2014Shemsi UpdatesUPDATES ON REVISION OF ISO 14001: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS – REQUIREMENTS WITH GUIDANCE FOR USEEach ISO standard goes through a systematic review process every five years to establish if a revision is required to keep it current and relevant for the marketplace. It was agreed that ISO 14001:2004 needed a revision in late 2011. The revision work commenced in early 2012. Currently the revised standard is in the form of a Draft International Standard (DIS) and is available for a three month balloting and commenting period (public inquiry) beginning 28 August 2014. Publication is planned for the third quarter of 2015. The revision was needed for two major reasons:To include new approaches on environmental management and its stakeholder expectations that have evolved since its inception in 1996 and;To transition the document into a standardised format set by ISO to help organisations integrate their multidisciplinary management systems into their organisational processesThe revision addresses both reasons by improving the existing requirements and adding new requirements where necessary.In addressing the need for new approaches on environmental management and evolving stakeholder expectations the DIS includes:Incorporating a requirement for strategic understanding on environmental issues that are important to the organization. Specific focus is on issues or changing circumstances related to the needs and expectations of interested parties (including regulatory requirements) and local, regional or global environmental conditions that can affect, or be affected by, the organisation;A requirement for visible involvement, support and commitment from top managementby taking accountability for the effectiveness of the organisation’s environmental management system and assigning specific responsibilities for those in leadership roles to promote environmental management within the organisation;Expanding the environmental policy commitment from prevention of pollution to a more proactive and positive commitment to protect the environment from harm and degradation. Commitment to protect the environment can include pollution prevention, sustainable resource use, climate change mitigation and adaptation, protection of biodiversity and ecosystems, etc.;An emphasis on environmental performance improvement rather than on improving the management system itself which includes reducing natural resource use, emissions, wastes;Applying life cycle thinking to environmental issues related to the organisation’s activities, products and servicesIn addition to the current requirement to address environmental impacts associated with procured goods and service, organizations will nee
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