域名年龄: 22年12个月HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2015年07月14日 06:10:52 修改日期:2011年12月31日 21:39:46 接受单位:字节 动作:Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:6680 Keep-Alive: timeout=10, max=500 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html 页面编码:us-ascii
If you'd like to support this free boat buildinginfo. consider purchasing a musicCD ...thanks.SimplicityBoatsThis site is my attempt to offer some inspiration and information, for it was a hand full ofinspired amateurs who most encouraged me to take the plunge and build my first boat.If you've been toying with the idea of building a boat, don't wait. DO IT NOW! DavidBeedeGAFF KETCH CHAMELEONFor ages 5 to 95...Dream Catcher Pond Skiffs... I'm no longer building these pond boats,but I'm leaving the page up to inspire home builders.A Celebration of Traditional Sail...3 Models and manyrigs - I have a book in the works with full sized plans!BLUE HERON SHARPIEProjects...SummerBreeze Wins Design Contest!Click the duck!This is an 11'8" skiff from two sheets ofplywood inspired by Phil Bolger's Teal. I wasgratified to win best overall, and best use of materials Duckworks2001 contest. Alldrawing and most current build notes here. Prototype build diary MaidenvoyageAll the entries were very impressive so I won by a slim margin. Pleasecheck them out. Summer Breeze sea trials at the Cedar Keymess about 2002!SteveBates , of Australia, did a bang-up job on his mini-sharpie - thenturned her into a double ender and had a ship wreck! Check it out!MiniSharpie Here's a one sheet highbowed sharpie skiff of my own design. A Familybuilds her. She gets a sailrig!Daydream...A.K.A.Least Cuts Boat This is a 15' Sharpie Skiff made with all straight sawcuts!Rob Smith and 2 nephewsbuild her in 22 hrs in South Africa!BrianSchmittling's Daydream!A couple of One Sheetboats with capacity for 2 Adults!(click the pic)WacklessLassie - Adouble paddle canoe.Cygnet - A One Sheet Skiff designed by HerbMcLeod.Featherwind - actually Dave Carnel's $200 sailboatAlternative Methodsand Materials for boat building!Yuloh info... - a collection of resources on the oriental sculling oar. $10 Yuloh!! Shantydock!- This is an 8' x 16' swim platform with an arched canopy roof. Dream Catcher Pond Skiffs... are here! "Coolwater" a shoe string shanty boat! Also.... Shantyboat Dreams - sketches and resources... Model making - this one is a one sheet skiff of my own design superceded by my Mini Sharpie. Local Builders See what the local (North Florida) boys are up to. Old Boat Plans from the 40s, 50s & 60s This is a cheap and quick boat shelter that can be easily broken down and moved. PVC and poly tarp to the rescue again! Alternative Methods and Materials for boat building! Miscellaneous... Resources - informational and inspirational stuff like Gavin Atkin's Free Design Page - Gav, in addition to starting the Boat Design group on Yahoo, won the Duckworks design contest in 2000 and originated the "Mouse" line of boats, which are being built all over the globe! (Good starting point... less overwhelming than the links page.) Links from my bookmarks for the last year, loosely categorized. A Rant Ravings about
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