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SinoCare Organization609 Dublin WayAlameda, CA 94502ph: 415 336 Services About Us Contact Us SinoCare is a specialized consulting group providing strategic analysis relative to the development and operations of active senio adult communities including assisted living and nursing home. We offer years of North American experience and skill in consulting with clients outside the United States. International developers and landowners have retained SinoCare to consult on residential communities worldwide. Our collective experience is dedicated to branding, marketing and operations. We are also YBC's representative in the U.S. (“YBC/Youth Business China” provides business seed money, skills training and network support to young entrepreneurs, thus helps them succeed in business start-ups. In 2005, YBC was accredited as the best practice program by the UN Secretary General's Youth Employment Network Office China.) Currently, YBC is building several new Senior Centers in China. We are here looking for a business partner who can join us in consulting and /or co-managing these facilities. We aim to introduce western management of Senior Living Communities to China and consequently, establish high quality senior living facilities in that fast growing market. We have the resources, manpower and access to the hospitals and nursing homes in China. We also have unique channel to conduct business there. China will face a dramatic transition from a young to an aged society in the coming years. Currently, there are over 167 million Chinese aged 60 and older, among those 50% of them live alone; it is estimated that the elder population inChina will increase by 8 million every year for the next 5 years. However, there is a substantial lack of caring system for these seniors. Given the fact that only 1.5% of the older adults live in the nursing or assist living facilities and a peculiar 4 (grandparents)-2(parents)-1(child) family structure in China, we expect the prevalence of nursing home placement of older adults will increase in the coming years. The government of China has realized that it is financially not sustainable to expand in this area using only the government's resources, thus the current policy is to encourage private and foreign investors to participate in this booming business in China. China is a fast growing market with huge unmet demands in high quality senior living communities. SinoCare has the unique advantage of entering this special market. So if you have the expertise in the field and interested in what we do, please contact us for further detailed information; we'd be glad to discuss the business opportunities with you! Contact us today! 2011 SinoCare. All rights reserved.Web Hosting by Yahoo!609 Dublin WayAlameda, CA 94502ph: 415 336
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