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HomeTechnology News – News on Mobile, IT and ComputersWelcome To Our Site...This section is to display just about any kind of information you'd like. To remove this section simply delete any references to 'intro.php' in the Main Index Template.Recent PostsDave Morin Bringing Out the Best in PathHow to make beats out of your beat-making softwareWebsite trafficThe Latest 3 Mobile Deals on Contract DealsBuy Facebook Fans for Your PageArchivesSeptember 2013August 2013June 2013May 2013April 2013CategoriesUncategorizedDave Morin Bringing Out the Best in PathPosted By admin on September 24, 2013Almost everything and everyone now have been influenced by social media. The way we communicate and share moments with our friends and family are done through social media like photo sharing and messaging. Twitter and Facebook have been a big part in most of the people lives now inviting new friends and getting in touch with the old buddies that have already left behind. But with all these, there is still some space in the hearts of men to mingle with just a few people who are really interested in his life – his family and close friends.The Success of PathThis is the reason behind the creation of a mobile application Path. Dave Morin and his co-founder created Path with the objective to make people get closer together. To achieve this, Path only allows a limited number of people who will be joining your circle. With this, photo sharing and messaging will be exclusive within your circle alone. Dave has come up with this idea when he was still a member of Facebook. He realizes that he is not communicating with his family and girlfriend, who is now his wife.Path’s initial launching was a failure. Dave decided that it should be redeveloped. He considered what the mobile phone is for and how people use it in their everyday lives. He also learned how people use mobile application and he understood the behavior of the people who likes using this application. Path 2 came out to the public and it became a success. Dave and his team had not realized that many users have signed up and the number of users continues to increase every day.Dave grew up in Montana and is now living in San Francisco with his wife Brit of Brit and Co., and his dog Pixel. He is now working on another project that will be launched soon.Category: Uncategorized | Comments Off Tags:How to make beats out of your beat-making softwarePosted By admin on September 2, 2013Technology has made its way into the lives of the people making their lives more comfortable and convenient. There are things from the past that have innovated into something more useful to the users. Having seriously doing their best while things are changing because other old things are now replaced with super high technological inventions that will not just change the world of human race but to make change in our surroundings too. Music has evolved though we have to thank our predecessors for giv
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