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STATION RESOURCE GROUPGROW THE AUDIENCE | CHARTING THE TERRITORY | PROGRAMMING | DELIVERY CHANNELS | FUNDRAISINGABOUT SRG | CONTACTS | PUBLIC RADIO CAPITAL | PRX - PUBLIC RADIO EXCHANGESRG 2019 Planning Retreat – registration is now open, SRG Strategic Framework – New plan and focus adopted by SRG Board. Raise Our Sights in Local Journalism – Notes on our progress and current plans for moving forward. Audience Intelligence – reports from our exploration of tools and techniques to better understand our digital users. Digital Strategies for Classical Public Radio – read an in-depth look at challenges and opportunities Federal support of public media – thoughts on making the case for a continued public investment. Mobile Giving Project – working together for more effective mobile donations – the project is underway. Code of Editorial Integrity – principles and guidelines to protect the trust, independence, and accountability of local public media organizations. Grow the Audience – planning the path to wider use and deeper value for public radio. Reports on the performance of news stations and classical stations. Funding Local Journalism – making the case for transformative investments. Mobile Internet: A Replacement for Radio? – Skip Pizzi on "the slow crossfade" in audio delivery platforms. Future of Media – SRG's comments about public media in the FCC's wide-ranging inquiry Individual Giving to Public Radio – an in-depth report with analysis, theory, proven practices, and good ideas to raise more money. The Public Radio Format Study – these reports track important differences associated with public radio's different formats. An in-depth look at performance over the past six years. Financial Patterns Listening Patterns PDF FILES Attack Ourselves – a think piece on strategic differentiation of public radio news formats. PDF FILE Local Content Top Performers – programming that works on its own terms and for the station as a whole. PDF FILE Community Advisory Boards – profiles of successful models around the country. Focus on Civic Leadership - the key factor in governance Keeping the Morning Edition Audience – lessons from top performers. The Program Ledger: Evaluating Program Performance – as stations step up commitments to local programming, it is crucial to assess the impact of these important but costly investments. The Path to Significance – eight key steps at public radio stations that made a transformative leap in organizational stature. Programming performance – expectations for our local content and a study to spot stations doing especially well. Strategy, analysis, planning, and collaboration. Public radio's leading stations sharpen their operations and shape their vision by working together as members of the Station Resource Group. This site provides access to many of SRG's current projects and an archive
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