域名年龄: 16年8个月23天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2015年02月24日 06:29:21 服务器:.V06 Apache Filter-Revision: 1.219 修改日期:2015年02月24日 05:13:59 文件大小:68888 Keep-Alive: timeout=999999, max=999997 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html 页面编码:windows-1252
Sermons for Kids SundaySchool Activities BibleGames for Kids SundaySchool CraftsChristianSkits AdultDevotionalsCreative ideas for children'sministry, with Bible curriculum for multiple ages and graded classrooms (K-5thgrade).BibleMemory VerseGive ear to my words, O LORD, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray.In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait inexpectation (Psalm 5:1-3 NIV).Read LOOK UP, an Adult Devotional based on Psalm5.Bible-4-LifeCurriculumMakeN' Take Downloadse-BooksGospel FunHolidays& Holy DaysPremium MembershipTeacher'sNewsletterFreeIdeasAboutSearch over 1800 Christian educational pages bytopic,keyword, or phrase:Mission existsto equip Christian teachers with the tools to lead children to Christ and tohelp them grow in their faith by offeringcreative Bible lessons for children's ministryand a discussion forum for professionals and non-professionals.FREEChildren's Ministry IdeasBible Skit: Observing Lint?Focus: What will you give to Jesus?Bible reference: Romans 12:1Props: Sack containing a Lint Roller, and a Bible.(You will need two people to present this skit. Preferably older youths or adults.)Person 1: (removes lint roller from sack and begins rolling it on kids clothing, floor, seats, etc. and then looking closely at the roller each time.) Person 2: What are you doing?Person 1: Observing Lint.Person 2: I see that, but why?Person 1: (continues rolling) It’s that time of year when . . . Continue reading this Skit for Lent.Get more Easter Skits forChildren & Youth Ministry.Sign up to receive freeideas for children's ministry.Learnmore,E-mail:FirstName:Have your Bible lessonsand ideas published here!Send to:Submissions@SundaySchoolNetwork.comPleaseread our copyright guidelines, first.I just wanted to let you knowwhat a blessing this website has been to me. I am teaching children'schurch on Sunday nights and had ran out of ideasto use. I prayed that Godwould give me some sources. Well, He did, alright! This website! Iwas up until almost 2:00 A.M. one night searching it out.What a wonderfulsite! I love it! It has such great ideas. Thank you so much! ~Another sister in Christ, Mable D.I appreciate these ideas for Sunday School . . . they come in very handy. ~Tessa,East Africa________________________________________________Jellybean Witness Easter Presentation Ideafor KidsORANGE is for Heaven sobright. YELLOW is for God'sperfect light.BLACK is for thesins we've made.RED is for theblood He gave. WHITE is for ourcleansing from sin.GREEN is for ournew life in Him.Download all of the JellybeanWitness poem, with coordinating Scripture references.Featured Sunday School Lessons & Bible CurriculumFruit ofthe Spirit Lighthouse- Book of Acts Jonah - God's MercySignsof the Times Storyof Jesus Namesof God__________________________________________
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2025-01-21 08:25, Process in 0.0048 second.