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PARISH ▼ History Staff FAQ SCHEDULES ▼ Masses/Confessions Lector/Server/Minister Music BULLETIN GALLERY ▼ Wallpaper Christmas Easter Parish Life CEMETERY DIRECTIONS CONTACT StCharlesBorromeo.comYou have JavaScript disabled: you cannot use the navigation menu. St. Charles Borromeo in Woonsocket: All Are Welcome! St Charles Borromeo, part of the Diocese of Providence and the oldest Roman Catholic parish in northern Rhode Island, is a community of believers striving with everyday faith to be a sign of God's love in our community and beyond, in accordance with the teaching of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith. Our mission is to give thanks in worship and song, to reconcile ourselves with God, to share in the Liturgy of the Word, to gain the Lord's peace and to receive the Holy Eucharist, thereby increasing and strengthening our faith and devotion. We encourage responsible stewardship. We sponsor social activities to celebrate parish life and nurture loving friendships. With the help of the Holy Spirit and our patron, St. Charles Borromeo, we commit ourselves to follow our mission; that is, to build a stronger community of faith among God's people. Weekend Masses*: Saturday @ 4:00 p.m. Sunday @ 9:00 a.m. *When it is uncomfortably warm during the summer, weekend Masses are celebrated downstairs in the air-conditioned lower church. Weekday Masses: Tuesday & Wednesday @ 9:00 a.m. (lower church) Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays there are Masses celebrated at 8:00 a.m. at All-Saints on Rathbun Street. Summer Series 2019: For the summer of 2019 we will offer "Magnify Mondays", "Topics on Tuesdays", and "Word on Wednesdays". St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church Church: 8 Daniels Street, Woonsocket RI 02895 Office (and mailing): 323 Rathbun Street, Woonsocket RI 02895 401-766-0176 © 2019 St. Charles Borromeo, Woonsocket RI
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