域名年龄: 20年1个月26天HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 访问时间:2014年03月30日 15:17:34 目标网址: 动作:Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:194 Keep-Alive: timeout=2, max=100 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2014年03月30日 15:17:34 动作:Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:4742 Keep-Alive: timeout=2, max=100 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html 页面编码:iso-8859-1
Sterling, Kansas • Sunday, March 30, 2014 News Briefs: Four candidates vie for commission seats County considers access concerns with K-96 bypass Two new directors debut one-acts Friday Sports Briefs: Outlook promising for SHS track and field season Coach: tennis could qualify players for state Chamber seeks tourney entries Death Notices: (Full obituaries in this week's issue.) Jean Ann Sidebottom James L. "Jim" Savage Harriett L. Toliver Bonnie Tennant Dudrey Legal Notices: Public Notices - March 27, 2014 Classifieds: Notice WE ARE EXPANDING — At Jethro’s. We need your help. Now hiring for evening and week end server position. Apply in person at Paddy’s or Jethro’s 620-278-3276. (26-12) For Sale FOR SALE — Two riding lawn mowers, JDSTX38; Craftsman 12.5-42, $450 each. 278-2225. (13*) Garage Sale HUGE ESTATE SALE — 203 N. 3rd, Sterling, Fri., March 28, 3-7 p.m.; Sat., March 29, 8 a.m.-12 noon. Furniture, antiques, wall pictures, dishes, appliances, pottery, tools and so much more. (12*) ESTATE SALE — For Pat Peverley, 310 West Moses, Lyons. Thursday, April 3, noon-6 p.m.; Friday, April 4, noon-6 p.m.; Sat., April 6 , 9 a.m.-noon. Items include: Kenmore chest deep freeze, Kenmore 18 cu ft. refrigerator, Kenmore stove, 2 wicker patio chairs, large metal wagon wheel, tv stand, Early American bedroom double bed and dresser with mirror, Jenny Lind baby bed, several wooden end tables, 5 sewing machines – Singer – 2 are Featherweight, Baby Luck Serger, trunk, cedar chest, sewing notions and patterns, material, Kenmore electric dryer, Emerson microwave, Tupperware, Corning ware dishes, Exercise bike, Pacer lap top, Kodak digital camera, Community silver plate, Queen size bed in waterbed frame with storage underneath, Queen mattress, Duncan Phyfe table with leaves, computer, printer and speakers, Baby items: potty chair, bouncer, bath tubs, Avon bottle collection, clinic scrub tops, Nursing books, towels, suit cases, Women’s Jackets, lots of costume jewelry, towels, linens, 2 carved back chairs, 2 drawer wooden file cabinet, pots and pans, silverware, glassware, Pyrex, old wooden doors, ladder, tools, 3 pieces of art: original signed etching of Cathedral by J. Aldridge Brewer, Landscape by William Forrester, crocks, Coca Cola cookie jars, Mason jars, blonde dresser with mirror, nice desk, office chair, canes, Homer Laughlin plates, craft items, hair dressing items, small appliances, old toys, camping equipment, school desk, SaladMaster pots, Arnold malt machine, canning items, clothes racks, Hall tree, porch swing, pool cues, jousting swords, kerosene lamps, wrought iron sewing machine bottom, walker and much more. Cynthia Morton 278-6309. (249-12) Real Estate HOUSES and LOTS FOR SALE — Build your dream home on Sterling Lake. Buy one or more of my lots on the most beautiful building sites in Sterling. Prices negotiable. Call 410-588-5840. (31-tf) For Rent BENNETT STORAGE &mdas
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