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Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of JerusalemAutonomous Grand Priory of the United States of AmericaPriory of St. James of JerusalemGPUSA Home PageHome PageThe Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (SMOTJ) is international in nature with members from over 40 nations, ecumenical Christian in our religious beliefs welcoming Members of all Christian religions, and focused on matters of human rights, political and religious freedom, and humanitarian aid to the world's less fortunate. We aspire to foster a cosmopolitan society in which differences among peoples, cultures, and governments will be both respected and appreciated. We seek the betterment of humanity through education, world brotherhood, chivalric principles, and civil behavior and treatment among one-another. Membership is by invitation only; our membership standards are purposely very high, our financial and time commitments are not for everyone, and our dedication to a more caring world requires significant expectations that not everyone can meet. As you read through the enclosed materials, we encourage you to consider membership in the Order and contact us if you are interested at all or have additional questions. Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Glorium Not Unto Us, O Lord, Not Unto Us, But to Thy Name Be Glory Given About Membership Officers History Heraldry Memorium Events Silent Knight Music St. James Christians at Risk Best viewed in Windows Internet Explorer Copyright 2012, The Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, Inc. Priory of St. James of Jerusalem. All rights reserved. Updated 18 Aug 2014 mail to:
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2025-03-05 15:01, Process in 0.0036 second.