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Home About IPICD Articles Conference Contact Distance Education Host a Program Judicial Decisions Marketplace Newsletter Services Staff Testimonials Training Calendar Training Programs W-9 Form Welcome and thank you for visiting the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. (IPICD), the international clearinghouse for information and training about arrest-related deaths, excited delirium, sudden in-custody deaths, and related topics. Take your time perusing the vast amount of information and you will realize why the IPICD has become the "go to" resource for training and information about excited delirium, agitated chaotic events ™ , arrest-related deaths, in-custody deaths, litigation assistance, use-of-force, forensic investigations, electronic control device (ECD) forensic analysis, and much more. Plan on attending the IPICD international conference on excited delirium and arrest-related deaths held in Las Vegas, NV each November. Thanks for visiting. See you at an upcoming IPICD training program or conference. John G. Peters, Jr., Ph.D., CLS President and Chief Learning Officer If you find anything not working, or missing, please email:
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