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Swing the Bat! Home Pre-Swing Turn Extend Follow-Thru Tips & Drills Lessons & Contact Info StatMinder! Online since: August, 2005 Last updated: June, 2014 Welcome to Swing the Bat! where you'll find: 1) The best description of the baseball/softball swing on the web; 2) Affordable and effective hitting instruction in the Olney, MD, area; and 3) Baseball stats software and baseball stat tracker solutions. If you have a question, comment, or suggestion for improvement, please feel free to contact me. 1. THE BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL SWING If you're looking to improve your swing mechanics or help teach a kid to swing, you've come to the right place. I’ve divided the swing into the four phases shown in the graphic above: 1) Pre-Swing, 2) Turn, 3) Extend through the Hitting Zone, and 4) Follow-Through. Click on the phase name or use the navigation tabs at the top to go to the corresponding page. Each phase starts with the hitter in a key position and ends in another key position. The ending key position of one phase is the starting key position of the next. I’ve further expanded the contact position into three, depending on where in the hitting zone the hitter contacts the ball. To download a free Microsoft Word (docx) description of the swing, click here. For a pdf version, click here. 2. AFFORDABLE, EFFECTIVE HITTING INSTRUCTION If you'd like a little help with that swing, I've been providing effective private hitting instruction for both baseball and softball in the Olney, Maryland, area since 2005 at very affordable rates. Check out the details on the Lessons & Contact Info page. OFF SEASON SPECIAL! The off-season is the best time to work on your swing. Starting June 1, pay regular price for three lessons and get the 4th lesson for free - that's 4 private lessons for just $60! Contact me to set up an appointment. NOTE: The Swing the Bat! batting cage is for instruction only and is not open to the general public. For public, coin-operated batting cages, try the Baseball Zone in Rockville. 3. BASEBALL STATS TRACKER & SOFTBALL STATS TRACKER SOLUTIONS Introducing StatMinder! 2.0 StatMinder! is an easy-to-use, effective, and affordable baseball stats spreadsheet that keeps more than 60 hitting, pitching, fielding, & base running stats. If you're searching for a baseball stat tracker or a softball stat tracker, StatMinder! is your solution! For more information, visit shop.swingthebat.net FREE Baseball Stats Software Demo and Scoresheets Click here to download a free demo version of StatMinder 2.0! The demo version only allows you to enter 3 games worth of data, but will give you a good feel for how StatMinder! works. You must have Microsoft Excel installed on your machine for StatMinder! to work. Older versions of Internet Explorer (IE8 or earlier) may try to download the Demo file (.xlsm) as a zip file (.zip). If so, click here for instructions. Questions? Contact me Click here to download a free set of h
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