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AboutStrategyDesignPrototypeswireframesCONTACTAboutStrategyDesignPrototypeswireframesCONTACTfrom concept & strategy to design & implementationEnd to end product designImage Right product designWeb Applicaton for VertaforeWatch the VideoConnecting the hardware to the softwareBapi environmental sensorsRead case studyREAD TIME 8-10mTom Columbusclean, clear, crisp design.Contact Me ResumeCLEAN, CLEAR, CRISP DESIGNI improve user engagement in complex products by practicing user-centered design.For more than 12 years, I have designed experiences and created UX strategies that create measurable improvements for products across multiple platforms and touchpoints.I led UX strategy, interaction and visual design for an early-stage consumer research program at Google. I have designed applications, physical experiences, augmented reality, and 3D interactions for consumer and enterprise audiences at Google, BlinkUX, Vertafore, and Pearson. I have experience with Software as a Service (SaaS), Learning Management Systems (LMS), and using Machine Learning (ML).VIEW MY RESUMEI've had the privilege to contributed to projects for these clients:GOOGLEProduct DesignINTELInteraction DesignVERTAFOREProduct DesignPEARSONProduct DesignUX STRATEGYThe discovery phase of a project is crucial to formulating a plan of action. Taking the time to approach things with intention is the right thing to do. I do all that I can to learn about the problem space and the users I am designing for. Performing some level of research is a must. Journey Maps Content Strategy Architecture User Interviews Documenting the user’s end to end journey is a great way to get an overview of a product’s experience. Providing this narrative in a visual format allows everyone to engage with the product’s story and visualize the areas of the experience that need attention. The user journey map I have included here was used to demonstrate the performance of an early stage product’s Alpha launch. It highlighted critical areas of the experience that needed improvement. This map served as a way to set UX priority for Beta release and beyond. Delivering useful content is a matter of understanding the context in which the application will be used. The example included here is for a pregnancy application that is able to sync with the patient’s medical records and deliver tailored content based on the way their pregnancy is progressing. It also adjusts the tone and delivery of the content in a contextual manner, such as: displaying different screens when tracking daytime vs. nighttime feedings. This document was drafted after numerous user interviews with expecting moms. Content Strategy PDF READ TIME - 8m Check out the app A project has lots of moving pieces. When working with project managers and development teams to design the best experience, it takes a lot of compromise and negotiation to arrive at something realistic that fits within the timeline, budget, and level of development effort. I take init
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