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HOMEABOUT USCONNECTMINISTRIESNEXT STEPSCONTACTMore© 2018 by The Ridge Church. SERVICE TIMES: Sunday 9:15 & 11:00 CURRENT SERIES: QUICK LINKS: CHILDREN The Ridge isn't just for adults. God loves our children more than we could ever imagine, so we want to reflect that love in how we do kids ministry [READ MORE]WHAT WE BELIEVEAll of our work at The Ridge is focused on Real Life Change. We believe that change comes from a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. That's why we teach God's word, the Bible, in a way you can understand; believing God will use it to change your life. As Christ-followers, we are focused on loving and serving each other and taking that experience into our community. The most important thing about any of us is our relationship with God. We believe we were created by God, but choose to rebel against His loving authority. God's punishment for our rebellion is eternal death—a punishment we all deserve. But there is hope through salvation in Jesus Christ. Therefore, here is what we believe about the following: [READ MORE]MINISTRY AREASSTUDENTS There is a lot for students to do at the Ridge. On Sunday morning 5th-12th grades can attend our Bible Study classes at 11:00. Sunday and Wednesday programs ...[READ MORE]ADULTS Our view and purpose of Adult Ministry is multi-faceted, we are dedicated to helping men and women be who God calls us to be [READ MORE]BIBLICAL COUNSELING Biblical counseling is an approach to counseling that uses the Bible to address the issues in the lives of individuals, couples, and families. [READ MORE]WHO WE AREAt The Ridge, we are real people with real challenges and real struggles in our lives. We are doing life together, sharing and supporting each other's high points and low points. We seek out and encourage change that comes only through Christ working in our hearts and lives. We donʼt measure our success by attendance or giving or how many programs we have. We look at Real, Life, Change... Is God transforming people at The Ridge? Check out this short welcome video from Pastor Rollie below to learn more.PASTOR WELCOME VIDEOSTAFFELDERSBOARD OF DIRECTORSCONTACT US7555 Brookville Phillipsburg Rd Brookville OH 45309 Email: Tel: 937-833-6306 Click Here to Find UsFor any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:SEND BACK TO TOP
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2025-01-18 13:44, Process in 0.0062 second.