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日本語 العربية HomePurpose of the websiteArticlesProphet's SayingsHadith QudsiQuranSunnahFiqhDownloadsWeb LinksResourcesContact us English News letter Receive HTML? Login Form Username Password Remember Me Forgot your password? Forgot your username? Create an account Wednesday, 06 October 2010 09:25 | Written by M R | | | The line of conduct of Prophets Peace be upon them is the principal pivot and most truthful reference for human perfection The world we live in is rich and full of diversified creatures and wonders. Each of those has its own unique nature and characteristics. A quick look to our surroundings, we realise that all creatures have the same gradual evolvement with varied degrees in terms of perception and intuition. For instance in the solids, an atom demonstrate no sign of feeling or sensation. Yet, other solids bear witness of life. In the plants kingdom, we note signs of unconscious perception. Animals are characterised by the existence of a will along with sensation and feelings. The human being is the noblest of all creatures as he has not only feelings and a will but also has the power of intellect and cognition. Hence, he is burdened with duties and responsibilities given that he was chosen by the Almighty Creator to be his successor on earth. The lesser the extent of cognition and feelings of a creature, the lesser the responsibility it bears. In a way, The Glorious creator is the one that takes full control and responsibility in providing those creatures with care. The Almighty is The Sublime-Self-Subsisting; He is the one in charge of all jewels and precious stones in the mountains. He is the provider of life for all, for the whales in the deep seas; for the animals in forests and desserts. He is the provider of the suitable environment for each creature. The more evolved the creature gets, that is the more freedom and will the creature has, the more responsibility he has to choose between good and bad and to work to provide himself and others with a respectable and descant life. The omnipotence divinity has provided animals with all kinds of tools, weapons and systems (apparatus) to defend themselves and to sustain their existence with all capabilities and means possible. As for this weak seldom human being that compared to the animals has no physical weapons. For instance, he has neither a trunk like the elephant, nor ferocious teeth of the lion nor a horn of a bull nor poison of snacks. The Evolver has created him a considerable amount of wealth represented in the power of wisdom, thought, deep understanding and strong will power. This weak seldom human being has subjugated all powerful creatures such as the strong elephant, the ferocious lion, the snacks, the flying birds in the skies, the whales in the deep seas. He has created to defend himself thousands of weapons, systems and tools and he was capable to use his imagination and creativity to manufacture inventions like no other. Last Updated (Wednesday, 06 October 2
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