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Skip navigation Home About us Projects Contact/Imprint DE EN Objectives of the association Objectives of the Association are to promote encounters and exchanges as well as to foster the understanding between people. These objectives furthermore include the promotion of peace through international and intercultural dialogue. FreiraumKollektiv also carries out development work as well as socio-political education and supports projects and initiatives that advocate sustainable development worldwide.These objectives are achieved through the organization and implementation of exchange programs and (educational) encounters. Additionally FreiraumKollektiv promotes volunteer work and provides information on socially and politically relevant issues, in particular those regarding global justice.Among the former projects of FreiraumKollektiv are Pamoja, Twende and a research project on the educational situation of unaccompanied under-aged refugees in Germany".More information about the association can be found under the section about us. FreiraumKollektiv e.V. The association FreiraumKollektiv is based on the awareness that up until today international and intercultural work is branded by hierarchies, unequal distribution of power and notions of superiority and inferiority.FreiraumKollektiv wants to present an alternative concept and supports dialogue on an equal footing, active participation of the civil society and global justice by the means of facilitating encounters world-wide. Copyright © 2015 | FreiraumKollektiv e.V. | Fröbelstr. 5 | 48159 Münster
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