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HOME HOUSE BEACH LOCATION RATES AVAILABILITY GALLERY CONTACT Windrock HOME HOUSE BEACH LOCATION RATES AVAILABILITY GALLERY CONTACT HOME HOUSE BEACH LOCATION RATES AVAILABILITY GALLERY CONTACT OCEANFRONT VACATION HOME TWO BEDROOM RENTAL ON 30 ACRES WITH PRIVATE BEACH LOCATED AT THE GATEWAY TO CAPE COD This waterfront home is located in Wareham, Massachusetts, just 50 minutes from Boston and set before the Bourne Bridge. It has a private beach right on Buzzards Bay with perfect opportunities for swimming, boating and fishing. The house, which has just been newly renovated, shares a completely private, wooded 30-acre estate with owner-occupied house next door. It boasts spectacular southwesterly views of picture-perfect sunsets over Buzzards Bay. It's fully furnished, with a full kitchen with gas cooking, deck, outdoor shower and large lawn. The property abuts the Little Harbor Country Club golf course and there are many other courses nearby. A great family getaway!! Contact us at 202-942-8403 or
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2025-03-07 22:58, Process in 0.0063 second.