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    抓取时间:2012年10月21日 04:00:52
    标题 - Economics is about designing what futur
    主体: - Economics is about designing what futures do peoples want. nobody who calls themselves an economist can afford not to explore social business modelling. This
    is because its models represent investment banking in the next generation while standard mba models and wall street models
    represent "the big" of past generations. Social business models value questions that were literally unthinkable
    before digital technology. For example, before digital cash, the developing world was one where over half of youth would grow
    up never to use a bank account because non-digital transaction records cost more than the transaction sizes they start trading
    with. Whether your country chooses digital banking regulations that are pro-youth or anti-youth will likely explain more peoples'
    growth or destruction over the next decade than any single innovation challenge. Help include youth's voice in this debate
    at The most entrepreneurial dialogues I have so far found on digital cash come from Japan and what I call
    the ABC regions - Africa, Bangladesh, China - where do practice labs of digital cash entrepreneurs excite you most 
    Opportunity of Economics- to design futures peoples want; the risk of economics to destroy futures peoples want most exciting newspaper journalist of last 75 years - believe my
    dad was - download leaftet on norman macrae - since he died in 2010 I search as hard as anyone for a modern contender!almost from adam smiths first words came the warning - keep economics free
    to be all the peoples subject  - not a few top-down experts- Today's nightly news is being monopolised by experts in
    destroying youth's futures - this web welcomes ideas on how to return democracy, youth and diversity to economics, but norman
    also suggested a simpler way may be to choose one practice area (market sector) whose future you are passionate about questioning-
    what could its most exciting purpose be for the whole human race to unite round co-producing?
    download leaflet - Entrepreneurial Revolution -Norman Macrae's celebration of purpose of internet generation since 1972
    Most Exciting Pro-Youth Purpose  Case - you tell us rsvp Most Exciting Investment Banks The 2 Bangladesh Banking systems representing 15 million
    poorest village mothers  -download norman's last article (2008) on how to learn from hi-trust banking so as to prevent quintuple dip recession thru 2010s Most
    Exciting USA Companies Interface - even a carpet manufacturer can profitably lead by planning to get to zero
    carbon footprintwholefoods- promotions most loved by employees mainly create a doubling of million jobs supported in
    developing world every 4 years thanks to al at Most Exciting Universities Highly
    resourced MIT - greatest job creating alumni network in worldLowly resourced - south africa free university movement
    of mandela partners orga

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